Example Calibrate Planar Mono

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Monocular Camera Calibration with Planar Targets

Calibrating a monocular (single) camera is the process of learning its intrinsic camera parameters and removing lens distortion. This example demonstrates how to use multiple pictures of a planar calibration target. Both the square grid and chessboard patterns are supported by this example. For a full description of the calibration process and instruction on how to do it yourself see the tutorial linked to below.

Example File: ExampleCalibrateMonocularPlanar.java

Calibration Tutorial: Wikipage


  • Camera calibration
  • Lens distortion
  • Intrinsic parameters

Relevant Applets:

Related Examples:

Example Code

 * <p>
 * Example of how to calibrate a single (monocular) camera using a planar calibration grid.  The intrinsic camera
 * parameters and lens distortion are estimated.  Both square grid and chessboard targets are demonstrated by this
 * example. See calibration tutorial for a discussion of different target types and how to collect good calibration
 * images.
 * </p>
 * <<p>
 * All the image processing and calibration is taken care of inside of {@link CalibrateMonoPlanar}.  The code below
 * loads calibration images as inputs, calibrates, and saves results to an XML file.  See in code comments for tuning
 * and implementation issues.
 * </p>
 * @see CalibrateMonoPlanar
 * @author Peter Abeles
public class ExampleCalibrateMonocularPlanar {

	// Detects the target and calibration point inside the target
	PlanarCalibrationDetector detector;

	// Description of the target's physical dimension
	PlanarCalibrationTarget target;

	// List of calibration images
	List<String> images;

	// Most computer images are in a left handed coordinate system.  If set to true it will be changed into
	// a right handed coordinate system to make processing with 3D vision algorithms easier.  Not always needed
	// for processing monocular images.
	boolean isLeftHanded;

	 * Images from Zhang's website.  Square grid pattern.
	private void setupZhang99() {
		// Use the wrapper below for square grid targets.
		detector = new WrapPlanarGridTarget(8,8);

		// physical description
		target = FactoryPlanarCalibrationTarget.gridSquare(8, 8, 0.5, 7.0 / 18.0);

		// load image list
		String directory = "../data/evaluation/calibration/mono/PULNiX_CCD_6mm_Zhang";
		images = BoofMiscOps.directoryList(directory,"CalibIm");

		// standard image format
		isLeftHanded = true;

	 * Images collected from a Bumblee Bee stereo camera.  Large amounts of radial distortion. Chessboard pattern.
	private void setupBumbleBee() {
		// Use the wrapper below for chessboard targets.  The last parameter adjusts the size of the corner detection
		detector = new WrapPlanarChessTarget(3,4,6);

		// physical description
		target = FactoryPlanarCalibrationTarget.gridChess(3, 4, 30);

		// load image list
		String directory = "../data/evaluation/calibration/stereo/Bumblebee2_Chess";
		images = BoofMiscOps.directoryList(directory,"left");

		// standard image format
		isLeftHanded = true;

	 * Process calibration images, compute intrinsic parameters, save to a file
	public void process() {

		// Declare and setup the calibration algorithm
		CalibrateMonoPlanar calibrationAlg = new CalibrateMonoPlanar(detector,isLeftHanded);

		// tell it type type of target and which parameters to estimate
		calibrationAlg.configure(target, true, 2);

		for( String n : images ) {
			BufferedImage input = UtilImageIO.loadImage(n);
			if( n != null ) {
				ImageFloat32 image = ConvertBufferedImage.convertFrom(input,(ImageFloat32)null);
		// process and compute intrinsic parameters
		IntrinsicParameters intrinsic = calibrationAlg.process();

		// save results to a file and print out
		BoofMiscOps.saveXML(intrinsic, "intrinsic.xml");

		System.out.println("--- Intrinsic Parameters ---");

	public static void main( String args[] ) {
		ExampleCalibrateMonocularPlanar alg = new ExampleCalibrateMonocularPlanar();

		// which target should it process
//		alg.setupZhang99();

		// compute and save results