Example Stereo Disparity

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Stereo Disparity

Shows how to compute dense disparity between two rectified stereo images. BoofCV provides two different rectangular region based algorithms and noise reduction techniques targeted at real-time processing. Stereo vision can be difficult to get right, so please read all JavaDoc and cited papers. Dense stereo disparity is a computationally expensive and is likely to require a reduction in image size to achieve truly real-time performance.

For visualization purposes the disparity is encoded using a color histogram. Hotter colors indicate closer objects while cooler objects indicate objects that are farther away. Cameras must be accurate calibrated or else an error of a few pixels will drastically degrade performance. A common preprocessing step is to run a Laplacian of Gaussian edge detector across the image to provide invariance to lighting conditions. This was not done below because the cameras have their gain synchronized.

Example File: ExampleStereoDisparity.java]


  • Stereo Vision
  • Disparity
  • Rectification

Related Applets:

Related Examples:

Example Code

 * The disparity between two stereo images is used to estimate the range of objects inside
 * the camera's view.  Disparity is the difference in position between the viewed location
 * of a point in the left and right stereo images.  Because input images are rectified, 
 * corresponding points can be found by only searching along image rows.
 * Values in the disparity image specify how different the two images are.  A value of X indicates
 * that the corresponding point in the right image from the left is at "x' = x - X - minDisparity",
 * where x' and x are the locations in the right and left images respectively.  An invalid value
 * with no correspondence is set to a value more than (max - min) disparity.
 * @author Peter Abeles
public class ExampleStereoDisparity {

	 * Computes the dense disparity between between two stereo images.  The input images
	 * must be rectified with lens distortion removed to work!  Floating point images
	 * are also supported.
	 * @param rectLeft Rectified left camera image
	 * @param rectRight Rectified right camera image
	 * @param minDisparity Minimum disparity that is considered
	 * @param maxDisparity Maximum disparity that is considered
	 * @return Disparity image
	public static ImageUInt8 denseDisparity( ImageUInt8 rectLeft , ImageUInt8 rectRight ,
											 int minDisparity , int maxDisparity )
		// A slower but more accuracy algorithm is selected
		// All of these parameters should be turned
		StereoDisparity<ImageUInt8,ImageUInt8> disparityAlg =
						minDisparity, maxDisparity, 3, 3, 20, 1, 0.2, ImageUInt8.class);

		// process and return the results

		return disparityAlg.getDisparity();

	 * Rectified the input images using known calibration.
	public static void rectify( ImageUInt8 origLeft , ImageUInt8 origRight ,
								StereoParameters param ,
								ImageUInt8 rectLeft , ImageUInt8 rectRight )
		// Compute rectification
		RectifyCalibrated rectifyAlg = RectifyImageOps.createCalibrated();
		Se3_F64 leftToRight = param.getRightToLeft().invert(null);

		// original camera calibration matrices
		DenseMatrix64F K1 = UtilIntrinsic.calibrationMatrix(param.getLeft(), null);
		DenseMatrix64F K2 = UtilIntrinsic.calibrationMatrix(param.getRight(),null);

		rectifyAlg.process(K1,new Se3_F64(),K2,leftToRight);

		// rectification matrix for each image
		DenseMatrix64F rect1 = rectifyAlg.getRect1();
		DenseMatrix64F rect2 = rectifyAlg.getRect2();
		// New calibration matrix,
		DenseMatrix64F rectK = rectifyAlg.getCalibrationMatrix();

		// Adjust the rectification to make the view area more useful
		RectifyImageOps.fullViewLeft(param.left, rect1, rect2, rectK);

		// undistorted and rectify images
		ImageDistort<ImageUInt8> imageDistortLeft =
				RectifyImageOps.rectifyImage(param.getLeft(), rect1, ImageUInt8.class);
		ImageDistort<ImageUInt8> imageDistortRight =
				RectifyImageOps.rectifyImage(param.getRight(), rect2, ImageUInt8.class);

		imageDistortLeft.apply(origLeft, rectLeft);
		imageDistortRight.apply(origRight, rectRight);

	public static void main( String args[] ) {
		String calibDir = "../data/applet/calibration/stereo/Bumblebee2_Chess/";
		String imageDir = "../data/applet/stereo/";

		StereoParameters param = BoofMiscOps.loadXML(calibDir + "stereo.xml");

		// load and convert images into a BoofCV format
		BufferedImage origLeft = UtilImageIO.loadImage(imageDir + "chair01_left.jpg");
		BufferedImage origRight = UtilImageIO.loadImage(imageDir+"chair01_right.jpg");

		ImageUInt8 distLeft = ConvertBufferedImage.convertFrom(origLeft,(ImageUInt8)null);
		ImageUInt8 distRight = ConvertBufferedImage.convertFrom(origRight,(ImageUInt8)null);

		// rectify images
		ImageUInt8 rectLeft = new ImageUInt8(distLeft.width,distLeft.height);
		ImageUInt8 rectRight = new ImageUInt8(distRight.width,distRight.height);


		// compute disparity
		ImageUInt8 disparity = denseDisparity(rectLeft,rectRight,10,60);

		// show results
		BufferedImage visualized = VisualizeImageData.disparity(disparity, null,10,60,0);
