Interface BinaryContourFinder

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public interface BinaryContourFinder extends BinaryContourInterface
Interface for finding contours around binary blobs. To get the points in a contour invoke BinaryContourInterface.loadContour(int, org.ddogleg.struct.DogArray<georegression.struct.point.Point2D_I32>) with the ID of the contour you wish to load. Adjusting the max contour size is useful in situations were memory is limited. Same for turning off inner contours. NOTE: Contours which are too small or too large are filtered out. This is different from the labeled variant of this class. The difference is because there is no labeled image. Defaults:
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • process

      void process(GrayU8 binary)
      Processes the binary image to find the contour. If you let the input be modified you really need to read up on how the contour algorithm works. Setting the outside border to zero is typical
      binary - Input binary image. Not modified.