Class ShrinkThresholdHard_I32

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ShrinkThresholdHard_I32 extends Object implements ShrinkThresholdRule<GrayS32>

Hard rule for shrinking an image: T(x) = x*1(|x|>T)

  • Constructor Details

    • ShrinkThresholdHard_I32

      public ShrinkThresholdHard_I32()
  • Method Details

    • process

      public void process(GrayS32 image, Number threshold)
      Description copied from interface: ShrinkThresholdRule
      Applies shrinkage to entire image. If the rule should only be applied to part of the image then a sub-image should be passed in. If the threshold is an infinite number then all the coefficients are considered below the threshold.
      Specified by:
      process in interface ShrinkThresholdRule<GrayS32>
      image - Image which is to be thresholded. Is modified.
      threshold - Threshold used to modify the image.