Class LensDistortionOps


public class LensDistortionOps extends Object
Operations for manipulating lens distortion which do not have F32 and F64 equivalents.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • LensDistortionOps

      public LensDistortionOps()
  • Method Details

    • changeCameraModel

      public static <T extends ImageBase<T>, O extends CameraPinhole, D extends CameraPinhole> ImageDistort<T,T> changeCameraModel(AdjustmentType type, BorderType borderType, O original, D desired, @Nullable D modified, ImageType<T> imageType)
      Creates a distortion for modifying the input image from one camera model into another camera model. If requested the camera model can be further modified to ensure certain visibility requirements are meet and the adjusted camera model will be returned.
      type - How it should modify the image model to ensure visibility of pixels.
      borderType - How the image border is handled
      original - The original camera model
      desired - The desired camera model
      modified - (Optional) The desired camera model after being rescaled. Can be null.
      imageType - Type of image.
      Image distortion from original camera model to the modified one.