Class EquirectangularTools_F64


public class EquirectangularTools_F64 extends Object
Contains common operations for handling coordinates in an equirectangular image. On most globes, a positive latitude corresponds to the north pole, or up, and negative towards the south pole. Images have 0 on the top and increase downwards. To compensate for this the y-axis can be flipped. This is indicated by functions with FV (flip vertical) on the end of their name. Coordinate System:
  • longitude is along the x-axis and goes from -pi to pi
  • latitude is along the y-axis and goes from -pi/2 to pi/2
  • image center (width/2, (height-1)/2.0f) or (lat=0, lon=0) corresponds to a unit sphere of (1,0,0)
  • unit sphere of (0,0,1) is pixel (width/2,0) and (0,0,-1) is (width/2,height-1)
  • unit sphere of (0,1,0) is pixel (3*width/4,(height-1)/2) and (0,0,-1) is (width/4,(height-1)/2)
Coordinate System with y-flipped:
  • longitude is along the x-axis and goes from -pi to pi
  • latitude is along the y-axis and goes from pi/2 to -pi/2
  • image center (width/2, height/2) or (lat=0, lon=0) corresponds to a unit sphere of (1,0,0)
  • unit sphere of (0,0,1) is pixel (width/2,height-1) and (0,0,-1) is (width/2,0)
  • unit sphere of (0,1,0) is pixel (3*width/4,(height-1)/2) and (0,0,-1) is (width/4,(height-1)/2)

Latitude and Longitude shown on a sphere in equirectangular format. Note that y is NOT flipped and angles are shown in degrees not radians git push.

  • Constructor Details

    • EquirectangularTools_F64

      public EquirectangularTools_F64()
  • Method Details

    • configure

      public void configure(int width, int height)
      Specifies the image and which latitude/longtiude will comprise the center axises
      width - Image width
      height - Image height
    • equiToNorm

      public void equiToNorm(double x, double y, Point3D_F64 norm)
      Converts equirectangular into normalized pointing vector
      x - pixel coordinate in equirectangular image
      y - pixel coordinate in equirectangular image
      norm - Normalized pointing vector
    • normToEqui

      public void normToEqui(double nx, double ny, double nz, Point2D_F64 rect)
    • equiToNormFV

      public void equiToNormFV(double x, double y, Point3D_F64 norm)
    • normToEquiFV

      public void normToEquiFV(double nx, double ny, double nz, Point2D_F64 rect)
    • equiToLatLon

      public void equiToLatLon(double x, double y, GeoLL_F64 geo)
      Converts the equirectangular coordinate into a latitude and longitude
      x - pixel coordinate in equirectangular image
      y - pixel coordinate in equirectangular image
      geo - (output)
    • equiToLatLonFV

      public void equiToLatLonFV(double x, double y, GeoLL_F64 geo)

      Converts the equirectangular coordinate into a latitude and longitude. Vertical equirectangular axis has been flipped

      y' = height - y - 1
      x - pixel coordinate in equirectangular image
      y - pixel coordinate in equirectangular image
      geo - (output)
    • latlonToEqui

      public void latlonToEqui(double lat, double lon, Point2D_F64 rect)
      Convert from latitude-longitude coordinates into equirectangular coordinates
      lat - Latitude
      lon - Longitude
      rect - (Output) equirectangular coordinate
    • latlonToEquiFV

      public void latlonToEquiFV(double lat, double lon, Point2D_F64 rect)
      Convert from latitude-longitude coordinates into equirectangular coordinates. Vertical equirectangular axis has been flipped
      lat - Latitude
      lon - Longitude
      rect - (Output) equirectangular coordinate
    • getWidth

      public int getWidth()
    • getHeight

      public int getHeight()