Class HistogramFeatureOps


public class HistogramFeatureOps extends Object

Type specific operations for creating histgrams of image pixel values. The histogram is a feature descriptor and all the feature descriptor operations can be used on these histograms.

Unlike histogram operations in ImageStatistics the initial scale of the image doesn't matter. More specifically, ImageStatistics simply rounds the value to the nearest one and adds it to the element in a histogram. While these operations use the image's max values and the number of elements in the histogram to compute the bin period.

  • Constructor Details

    • HistogramFeatureOps

      public HistogramFeatureOps()
  • Method Details

    • histogram

      public static void histogram(GrayU8 image, int maxPixelValue, TupleDesc_F64 histogram)
      Computes a single-band normalized histogram from an integer image..
      image - Input image. Not modified.
      maxPixelValue - Maximum possible value for a pixel for all bands.
      histogram - Output histogram. Must have same number of bands as input image. Modified.
    • histogram

      public static void histogram(GrayU16 image, int maxPixelValue, TupleDesc_F64 histogram)
      Computes a single-band normalized histogram from an integer image..
      image - Input image. Not modified.
      maxPixelValue - Maximum possible value for a pixel
      histogram - Output histogram. Must have same number of bands as input image. Modified.
    • histogram

      public static void histogram(GrayF32 image, float minPixelValue, float maxPixelValue, TupleDesc_F64 histogram)
      Computes a single-band normalized histogram from a floating point image..
      image - Input image. Not modified.
      minPixelValue - Minimum possible for for a pixel. Inclusive
      maxPixelValue - Maximum possible value for a pixel. Inclusive
      histogram - The output histogram.
    • histogram_F32

      public static void histogram_F32(Planar<GrayF32> image, Histogram_F64 histogram)
      Constructs an N-D histogram from a Planar GrayF32 image.
      image - input image
      histogram - preconfigured histogram to store the output
    • histogram_U8

      public static void histogram_U8(Planar<GrayU8> image, Histogram_F64 histogram)
      Constructs an N-D histogram from a Planar GrayU8 image.
      image - input image
      histogram - preconfigured histogram to store the output