Class BinaryCompareDefinition_I32


public class BinaryCompareDefinition_I32 extends Object

Describes the layout of a BRIEF descriptor. This descriptor is composed of a set of locations where image intensity is sampled and a list of which locations are compared against each other.

NOTE: The data structure here is different than the one implied in the paper. A single list of sample points is provided instead of two lists. This way a single set of points can sample within the same set, reducing the number of samples taken.

  • Field Details

    • radius

      public int radius
    • samplePoints

      public Point2D_I32[] samplePoints
    • compare

      public Point2D_I32[] compare
  • Constructor Details

    • BinaryCompareDefinition_I32

      public BinaryCompareDefinition_I32(int radius, int numSamples, int numPairs)
  • Method Details

    • getLength

      public int getLength()
      Length of the descriptor (or number of bits required to encode it)
      Descriptor length.