Class ImplEdgeNonMaxSuppression_MT


@Generated("boofcv.alg.feature.detect.edge.impl.ImplEdgeNonMaxSuppression") public class ImplEdgeNonMaxSuppression_MT extends Object
Algorithms for performing non-max suppression. Edge intensities are set to zero if adjacent pixels have a value greater than the current value. Adjacency is determined by the gradients discretized direction. NOTE: This is technically not true non-maximum suppression because equal values are allowed.
  • Constructor Details

    • ImplEdgeNonMaxSuppression_MT

      public ImplEdgeNonMaxSuppression_MT()
  • Method Details

    • inner4

      public static void inner4(GrayF32 intensity, GrayS8 direction, GrayF32 output)
      Only processes the inner image. Ignoring the border.
    • naive4

      public static void naive4(GrayF32 _intensity, GrayS8 direction, GrayF32 output)
      Slow algorithm which processes the whole image.
    • border4

      public static void border4(GrayF32 _intensity, GrayS8 direction, GrayF32 output)
      Just processes the image border.
    • inner8

      public static void inner8(GrayF32 intensity, GrayS8 direction, GrayF32 output)
      Only processes the inner image. Ignoring the border.
    • naive8

      public static void naive8(GrayF32 _intensity, GrayS8 direction, GrayF32 output)
      Slow algorithm which processes the whole image.
    • border8

      public static void border8(GrayF32 _intensity, GrayS8 direction, GrayF32 output)
      Just processes the image border.