Interface FeatureIntensity<T extends ImageGray<T>>

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
FastCornerDetector, FastCornerDetector_MT, ImplSsdCorner_F32, ImplSsdCorner_F32_MT, ImplSsdCorner_S16, ImplSsdCorner_S16_MT, ImplSsdCornerBase, ImplSsdCornerBox, ImplSsdCornerNaive, ImplSsdCornerWeighted_F32, ImplSsdCornerWeighted_F32_MT, ImplSsdCornerWeighted_S16, ImplSsdCornerWeighted_S16_MT

public interface FeatureIntensity<T extends ImageGray<T>>

Base interface for classes which extract intensity images for image feature detection. In the intensity image higher values indicate that a pixel is more "feature like". All intensity images are GrayF32.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Size of the region surrounding the image's border in which pixels are not processed.
    Returns the radius of the feature being computed.
  • Method Details

    • getRadius

      int getRadius()
      Returns the radius of the feature being computed. Features are square in shape with a width = 2*radius+1.
      Radius of detected features.
    • getIgnoreBorder

      int getIgnoreBorder()
      Size of the region surrounding the image's border in which pixels are not processed.
      The ignore border around the image.