Class ECoCheckLayout


public class ECoCheckLayout extends Object
Defines bit sampling pattern for different sized grids. Damage to markers tends to occur in local regions and not as random bit errors. ECC can only fix errors in a per-word basis (8-bits), so it makes sense to cluster all the points in a word as close to each other as possible. A simple formula is used to select the layout of bits in the N by N grid that attempts to group bits in the same word together. A naive layout would cause a small error in a local region to damage multiple words, crippling error correction.
  • Constructor Details

    • ECoCheckLayout

      public ECoCheckLayout()
  • Method Details

    • selectSnake

      public void selectSnake(int gridSize, DogArray_I32 order)
      Select points using a snake pattern. A cluster is found by moving in one direction until it hits an object or the flip counter hits its limit. It then shifts over one and turns around
      gridSize - Size of data grid
      order - (Output)