Class GConvolveImageOps


public class GConvolveImageOps extends Object
Image type agnostic convolution functions
  • Constructor Details

    • GConvolveImageOps

      public GConvolveImageOps()
  • Method Details

    • horizontal

      public static <In extends ImageBase<In>, Out extends ImageBase<Out>, K extends Kernel1D> void horizontal(K kernel, In input, Out output, BorderType borderType)
      Performs a horizontal 1D convolution across the image. Borders are handled as specified by the 'border' parameter.
      input - The original image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      kernel - The kernel that is being convolved. Not modified.
      borderType - How the image borders are handled.
    • horizontal

      public static <In extends ImageBase<In>, Out extends ImageBase<Out>, K extends Kernel1D, B extends ImageBorder<In>> void horizontal(K kernel, In input, Out output, B border)
      Performs a horizontal 1D convolution across the image. Borders are handled as specified by the 'border' parameter.
      input - The original image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      kernel - The kernel that is being convolved. Not modified.
      border - How the image borders are handled.
    • vertical

      public static <In extends ImageBase<In>, Out extends ImageBase<Out>, K extends Kernel1D> void vertical(K kernel, In input, Out output, BorderType borderType)
      Performs a vertical 1D convolution across the image. Borders are handled as specified by the 'border' parameter.
      input - The original image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      kernel - The kernel that is being convolved. Not modified.
      borderType - How the image borders are handled.
    • vertical

      public static <In extends ImageBase<In>, Out extends ImageBase<Out>, K extends Kernel1D, B extends ImageBorder<In>> void vertical(K kernel, In input, Out output, B border)
      Performs a vertical 1D convolution across the image. Borders are handled as specified by the 'border' parameter.
      input - The original image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      kernel - The kernel that is being convolved. Not modified.
      border - How the image borders are handled.
    • convolve

      public static <In extends ImageBase<In>, Out extends ImageBase<Out>, K extends Kernel2D, B extends ImageBorder<In>> void convolve(K kernel, In input, Out output, BorderType borderType)
      Performs a 2D convolution across the image. Borders are handled as specified by the 'border' parameter.
      input - The original image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      kernel - The kernel that is being convolved. Not modified.
      borderType - How the image borders are handled.
    • convolve

      public static <In extends ImageBase<In>, Out extends ImageBase<Out>, K extends Kernel2D, B extends ImageBorder<In>> void convolve(K kernel, In input, Out output, B border)
      Performs a 2D convolution across the image. Borders are handled as specified by the 'border' parameter.
      input - The original image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      kernel - The kernel that is being convolved. Not modified.
      border - How the image borders are handled.
    • horizontal

      public static <In extends ImageBase<In>, Out extends ImageBase<Out>, K extends Kernel1D> void horizontal(K kernel, In input, Out output)
      Performs a horizontal 1D convolution across the image. The horizontal border is not processed.
      input - The original image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      kernel - The kernel that is being convolved. Not modified.
    • vertical

      public static <In extends ImageBase<In>, Out extends ImageBase<Out>, K extends Kernel1D> void vertical(K kernel, In input, Out output)
      Performs a horizontal 1D convolution across the image. The horizontal border is not processed.
      input - The original image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      kernel - The kernel that is being convolved. Not modified.
    • convolve

      public static <In extends ImageBase<In>, Out extends ImageBase<Out>, K extends Kernel2D> void convolve(K kernel, In input, Out output)
      Performs a 2D convolution across the image. The image's borders are not processed.
      kernel - A square kernel that will be convolved across the source image
      input - The source image that is to be convolved
      output - The results of the convolution
    • horizontalNormalized

      public static <In extends ImageBase, Out extends ImageBase, K extends Kernel1D> void horizontalNormalized(K kernel, In input, Out output)
      Performs a horizontal 1D convolution across the image while re-normalizing the kernel depending on its overlap with the image.
      input - The original image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      kernel - The kernel that is being convolved. Not modified.
    • verticalNormalized

      public static <T extends ImageBase<T>, K extends Kernel1D> void verticalNormalized(K kernel, T input, T output)
      Performs a vertical 1D convolution across the image while re-normalizing the kernel depending on its overlap with the image.
      input - The original image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      kernel - The kernel that is being convolved. Not modified.
    • convolveNormalized

      public static <T extends ImageBase<T>, K extends Kernel2D> void convolveNormalized(K kernel, T input, T output)
      Performs a 2D convolution across the image while re-normalizing the kernel depending on its overlap with the image.
      input - The original image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      kernel - The kernel that is being convolved. Not modified.
    • convolveNormalized

      public static <T extends ImageBase<T>, K extends Kernel2D> void convolveNormalized(K kernel, T input, T output, BorderType borderType)
      Performs a 2D convolution across the image while re-normalizing the kernel depending on its overlap with the image.
      input - The original image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      kernel - The kernel that is being convolved. Not modified.
    • convolveNormalized

      public static <T extends ImageBase<T>, K extends Kernel2D> void convolveNormalized(K kernel, T input, T output, ImageBorder border)
      Performs a 2D convolution across the image while re-normalizing the kernel depending on its overlap with the image.
      input - The original image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      kernel - The kernel that is being convolved. Not modified.