Class GradientPrewitt


public class GradientPrewitt extends Object
Operations for computing Prewitt image gradient.
  • Field Details

    • kernelDerivX_I32

      public static Kernel2D_S32 kernelDerivX_I32
    • kernelDerivY_I32

      public static Kernel2D_S32 kernelDerivY_I32
    • kernelDerivX_F32

      public static Kernel2D_F32 kernelDerivX_F32
    • kernelDerivY_F32

      public static Kernel2D_F32 kernelDerivY_F32
  • Constructor Details

    • GradientPrewitt

      public GradientPrewitt()
  • Method Details

    • getKernelX

      public static Kernel2D getKernelX(boolean isInteger)
      Returns the kernel for computing the derivative along the x-axis.
    • process

      public static <I extends ImageGray<I>, D extends ImageGray<D>> void process(I input, D derivX, D derivY, @Nullable @Nullable ImageBorder border)
    • process

      public static void process(GrayU8 orig, GrayS16 derivX, GrayS16 derivY, @Nullable @Nullable ImageBorder_S32 border)
      Computes the derivative in the X and Y direction using an integer Prewitt edge detector.
      orig - Input image. Not modified.
      derivX - Storage for image derivative along the x-axis. Modified.
      derivY - Storage for image derivative along the y-axis. Modified.
      border - Specifies how the image border is handled. If null the border is not processed.
    • process

      public static void process(GrayS16 orig, GrayS16 derivX, GrayS16 derivY, @Nullable @Nullable ImageBorder_S32 border)
      Computes the derivative in the X and Y direction using an integer Prewitt edge detector.
      orig - Input image. Not modified.
      derivX - Storage for image derivative along the x-axis. Modified.
      derivY - Storage for image derivative along the y-axis. Modified.
      border - Specifies how the image border is handled. If null the border is not processed.
    • process

      public static void process(GrayF32 orig, GrayF32 derivX, GrayF32 derivY, @Nullable @Nullable ImageBorder_F32 border)
      Computes the derivative in the X and Y direction using a floating point Prewitt edge detector.
      orig - Input image. Not modified.
      derivX - Storage for image derivative along the x-axis. Modified.
      derivY - Storage for image derivative along the y-axis. Modified.
      border - Specifies how the image border is handled. If null the border is not processed.