Interface EpipolarScore3D

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ScoreFundamentalHomographyCompatibility, ScoreFundamentalVsRotation, ScoreRatioFundamentalHomography

public interface EpipolarScore3D extends VerbosePrint
Evaluates how 3D a pair of views are from their associated points
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns a score for how much 3D information there is.
    Decides if the two views have a 3D relationship.
    process(CameraPinholeBrown cameraA, @Nullable CameraPinholeBrown cameraB, int featuresA, int featuresB, List<AssociatedPair> pairs, DMatrixRMaj fundamental, DogArray_I32 inliersIdx)
    Determines if there's a 3D relationship between the views and scores how strong it is

    Methods inherited from interface org.ddogleg.struct.VerbosePrint

  • Method Details

    • process

      void process(CameraPinholeBrown cameraA, @Nullable @Nullable CameraPinholeBrown cameraB, int featuresA, int featuresB, List<AssociatedPair> pairs, DMatrixRMaj fundamental, DogArray_I32 inliersIdx)
      Determines if there's a 3D relationship between the views and scores how strong it is
      cameraA - (Input) Prior information on the camera intrinsics. View A.
      cameraB - (Input) Prior information on the camera intrinsics. View B. If null then it's assumed the two cameras are the same.
      featuresA - (Input) Number of features in imageA
      featuresB - (Input) Number of features in imageB
      pairs - (Input) Set of point feature pairs between the two images
      fundamental - (Output) Fundamental matrix describing the geometric relationship between the two views
      inliersIdx - (Output) Which features inside of pairs are in the inlier sets
    • getScore

      double getScore()
      Returns a score for how much 3D information there is. 0 = no 3D information. 1 = very strong 3D information. score is 0 to 1.
    • is3D

      boolean is3D()
      Decides if the two views have a 3D relationship.
      true if 3D or false if not