Package boofcv.alg.template
package boofcv.alg.template
ClassDescriptionCorrelation based template matching which uses FFTTemplateIntensityImage<T extends ImageBase<T>>Class which computes the templates' intensity across the entire imageTemplateIntensityImage_MT<T extends ImageBase<T>>Concurrent version of
TemplateIntensityImage.EvaluatorMethod<T extends ImageBase<T>>TemplateMatching<T extends ImageBase<T>>Runs a template matching algorithm across the image.TemplateMatchingIntensity<T extends ImageBase<T>>Moves an image template over the image and for each pixel computes a metric for how similar that region is to template.TemplateNCC<T extends ImageBase<T>>Template matching which uses normalized cross correlation (NCC).TemplateSqDiffNormed<T extends ImageBase<T>>Template matching which uses squared difference normedTemplateSumAbsoluteDifference<T extends ImageBase<T>>Scores the difference between the template and the image using sum of absolute difference (SAD) error.TemplateSumSquaredError<T extends ImageBase<T>>Scores the difference between the template and the image using sum of squared error (SSE).