Class GIntegralImageOps


public class GIntegralImageOps extends Object
Provides a mechanism to call IntegralImageOps with unknown types at compile time.
  • Constructor Details

    • GIntegralImageOps

      public GIntegralImageOps()
  • Method Details

    • getIntegralType

      public static <I extends ImageGray<I>, II extends ImageGray<II>> Class<II> getIntegralType(Class<I> inputType)
      Given the input image, return the type of image the integral image should be.
    • transform

      public static <I extends ImageGray<I>, T extends ImageGray> T transform(I input, @Nullable T transformed)
      Converts a regular image into an integral image.
      input - Regular image. Not modified.
      transformed - Integral image. If null a new image will be created. Modified.
      Integral image.
    • convolve

      public static <T extends ImageGray<T>> T convolve(T integral, IntegralKernel kernel, T output)
      General code for convolving a box filter across an image using the integral image.
      integral - Integral image.
      kernel - Convolution kernel.
      output - The convolved image. If null a new image will be declared and returned. Modified.
      Convolved image.
    • convolveBorder

      public static <T extends ImageGray<T>> T convolveBorder(T integral, IntegralKernel kernel, T output, int borderX, int borderY)
      Convolves the kernel only across the image's border.
      integral - Integral image. Not modified.
      kernel - Convolution kernel.
      output - The convolved image. If null a new image will be created. Modified.
      borderX - Size of the image border along the horizontal axis.
      borderY - size of the image border along the vertical axis.
    • convolveSparse

      public static <T extends ImageGray<T>> double convolveSparse(T integral, IntegralKernel kernel, int x, int y)
      Convolves a kernel around a single point in the integral image.
      integral - Input integral image. Not modified.
      kernel - Convolution kernel.
      x - Pixel the convolution is performed at.
      y - Pixel the convolution is performed at.
      Value of the convolution
    • block_zero

      public static <T extends ImageGray<T>> double block_zero(T integral, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)

      Computes the value of a block inside an integral image and treats pixels outside of the image as zero. The block is defined as follows: x0 < x ≤ x1 and y0 < y ≤ y1.

      integral - Integral image.
      x0 - Lower bound of the block. Exclusive.
      y0 - Lower bound of the block. Exclusive.
      x1 - Upper bound of the block. Inclusive.
      y1 - Upper bound of the block. Inclusive.
      Value inside the block.
    • block_unsafe

      public static <T extends ImageGray<T>> double block_unsafe(T integral, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)

      Computes the value of a block inside an integral image without bounds checking. The block is defined as follows: x0 < x ≤ x1 and y0 < y ≤ y1.

      integral - Integral image.
      x0 - Lower bound of the block. Exclusive.
      y0 - Lower bound of the block. Exclusive.
      x1 - Upper bound of the block. Inclusive.
      y1 - Upper bound of the block. Inclusive.
      Value inside the block.