Class WeightPixelUniform_F32

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class WeightPixelUniform_F32 extends Object implements WeightPixel_F32
Weights from a uniform distribution within a symmetric square region. All samples within the region return a constant value, which is 1.0/w^2, where w = radius*2+1. For performance reasons, no checks are done to see if the sample point is outside the radius and should be zero.
  • Constructor Details

    • WeightPixelUniform_F32

      public WeightPixelUniform_F32()
    • WeightPixelUniform_F32

      public WeightPixelUniform_F32(int radiusX, int radiusY, boolean odd)
  • Method Details

    • weightIndex

      public float weightIndex(int index)
      Description copied from interface: WeightPixel_F32

      Faster way to access the weight. Refers to the index in a row major matrix.

      x = (index % widthX) - radiusX
      y = (index / widthX) - radiusY

      Specified by:
      weightIndex in interface WeightPixel_F32
      index - index of grid element
      the weight
    • weight

      public float weight(int x, int y)
      Description copied from interface: WeightPixel_F32
      Access the weight using coordinates.
      Specified by:
      weight in interface WeightPixel_F32
      x - x-coordinate: range = -radius to radius, inclusive
      y - y-coordinate: range = -radius to radius, inclusive
      the weight
    • setRadius

      public void setRadius(int radiusX, int radiusY, boolean odd)
      Description copied from interface: WeightPixel_F32
      Change the kernel's size
      Specified by:
      setRadius in interface WeightPixel_F32
      radiusX - Radius along x-axis
      radiusY - Radius along y-axis
      odd - If odd then the width will be 2*radius+1, otherwise 2*radius
    • getRadiusX

      public int getRadiusX()
      Description copied from interface: WeightPixel_F32
      Returns the kernel's radius along the x-axis
      Specified by:
      getRadiusX in interface WeightPixel_F32
      Radius of kernel
    • getRadiusY

      public int getRadiusY()
      Description copied from interface: WeightPixel_F32
      Returns the kernel's radius along the y-axis
      Specified by:
      getRadiusY in interface WeightPixel_F32
      Radius of kernel
    • isOdd

      public boolean isOdd()
      Description copied from interface: WeightPixel_F32
      If the width is an even or odd number
      Specified by:
      isOdd in interface WeightPixel_F32