Class BoofConcurrency


public class BoofConcurrency extends ConcurrencyOps
Central class for controlling concurrency in BoofCV.
  • Field Details


      public static int SMALL_IMAGE
      If an image has fewer pixels than this it will not run a concurrent algorithm. The overhead makes it slower.

      public static boolean USE_CONCURRENT
      f set to true it will use a concurrent algorithm
  • Constructor Details

    • BoofConcurrency

      public BoofConcurrency()
  • Method Details

    • setMaxThreads

      public static void setMaxThreads(int maxThreads)
      Sets the maximum number of threads available in the thread pool and adjusts USE_CONCURRENT. If the number of threads is less than 2 then USE_CONCURRENT will be set to false and the single thread version of code will be called. Otherwise USE_CONCURRENT will be true and the max threads in the pool set to the specified number.
      maxThreads - Maximum number of threads. &le 1 means it will not be threaded.
    • isUseConcurrent

      public static boolean isUseConcurrent()
    • getEffectiveActiveThreads

      public static int getEffectiveActiveThreads()
      Either returns the number of threads in the thread pool or one if threading is disabled