Class ConvertNV21


public class ConvertNV21 extends Object
Used to convert NV21 image format used in Android into BoofCV standard image types. NV21 is an encoding of a YUV image [1] (more specifically YUV 4:2:0) where Y is encoded in the first block and UV are interlaced together. The UV planes are at 1/2 resolution.
  • Constructor Details

    • ConvertNV21

      public ConvertNV21()
  • Method Details

    • nv21ToBoof

      public static void nv21ToBoof(byte[] data, int width, int height, ImageBase output)
      Converts a NV21 encoded byte array into a BoofCV formatted image.
      data - (input) NV21 byte array
      width - (input) image width
      height - (input) image height
      output - (output) BoofCV image
    • nv21ToGray

      public static <T extends ImageGray<T>> T nv21ToGray(byte[] data, int width, int height, T output, Class<T> outputType)
      Converts an NV21 image into a gray scale image. Image type is determined at runtime.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Output image type
      data - Input: NV21 image data
      width - Input: NV21 image width
      height - Input: NV21 image height
      output - Output: Optional storage for output image. Can be null.
      outputType - Output: Type of output image
      Gray scale image
    • nv21ToGray

      public static GrayU8 nv21ToGray(byte[] data, int width, int height, GrayU8 output)
      Converts an NV21 image into a gray scale U8 image.
      data - Input: NV21 image data
      width - Input: NV21 image width
      height - Input: NV21 image height
      output - Output: Optional storage for output image. Can be null.
      Gray scale image
    • nv21ToGray

      public static GrayF32 nv21ToGray(byte[] data, int width, int height, GrayF32 output)
      Converts an NV21 image into a gray scale F32 image.
      data - Input: NV21 image data
      width - Input: NV21 image width
      height - Input: NV21 image height
      output - Output: Optional storage for output image. Can be null.
      Gray scale image
    • nv21ToPlanarYuv

      public static <T extends ImageGray<T>> Planar<T> nv21ToPlanarYuv(byte[] data, int width, int height, Planar<T> output, Class<T> outputType)
      Converts an NV21 image into a Planar YUV image.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Output image type
      data - Input: NV21 image data
      width - Input: NV21 image width
      height - Input: NV21 image height
      output - Output: Optional storage for output image. Can be null.
      outputType - Output: Type of output image
    • nv21ToPlanarYuv_U8

      public static Planar<GrayU8> nv21ToPlanarYuv_U8(byte[] data, int width, int height, Planar<GrayU8> output)
      Converts an NV21 image into a Planar YUV image with U8 bands.
      data - Input: NV21 image data
      width - Input: NV21 image width
      height - Input: NV21 image height
      output - Output: Optional storage for output image. Can be null.
    • nv21TPlanarRgb_U8

      public static Planar<GrayU8> nv21TPlanarRgb_U8(byte[] data, int width, int height, Planar<GrayU8> output)
      Converts an NV21 image into a Planar RGB image with U8 bands.
      data - Input: NV21 image data
      width - Input: NV21 image width
      height - Input: NV21 image height
      output - Output: Optional storage for output image. Can be null.
    • nv21ToInterleaved

      public static InterleavedU8 nv21ToInterleaved(byte[] data, int width, int height, InterleavedU8 output)
      Converts an NV21 image into a InterleavedU8 RGB image.
      data - Input: NV21 image data
      width - Input: NV21 image width
      height - Input: NV21 image height
      output - Output: Optional storage for output image. Can be null.
    • nv21TPlanarYuv_F32

      public static Planar<GrayF32> nv21TPlanarYuv_F32(byte[] data, int width, int height, Planar<GrayF32> output)
      Converts an NV21 image into a Planar YUV image with F32 bands.
      data - Input: NV21 image data
      width - Input: NV21 image width
      height - Input: NV21 image height
      output - Output: Optional storage for output image. Can be null.
    • nv21ToPlanarRgb_F32

      public static Planar<GrayF32> nv21ToPlanarRgb_F32(byte[] data, int width, int height, Planar<GrayF32> output)
      Converts an NV21 image into a Planar RGB image with F32 bands.
      data - Input: NV21 image data
      width - Input: NV21 image width
      height - Input: NV21 image height
      output - Output: Optional storage for output image. Can be null.
    • nv21ToInterleaved

      public static InterleavedF32 nv21ToInterleaved(byte[] data, int width, int height, InterleavedF32 output)
      Converts an NV21 image into a InterleavedF32 RGB image.
      data - Input: NV21 image data
      width - Input: NV21 image width
      height - Input: NV21 image height
      output - Output: Optional storage for output image. Can be null.