Class FactoryConvolve


public class FactoryConvolve extends Object
Factory for ConvolveInterface.
  • Constructor Details

    • FactoryConvolve

      public FactoryConvolve()
  • Method Details

    • convolve

      public static <Input extends ImageBase<Input>, Output extends ImageBase<Output>> ConvolveInterface<Input,Output> convolve(Kernel1D kernel, ImageType<Input> inputType, ImageType<Output> outputType, BorderType border, boolean isHorizontal)
      Creates a filter for convolving 1D kernels along the image.
      kernel - Convolution kernel.
      inputType - Specifies input image type.
      outputType - Specifies input image type.
      border - How the image border is handled.
      FilterInterface which will perform the specified convolution.
    • convolve

      public static <Input extends ImageGray<Input>, Output extends ImageGray<Output>> ConvolveInterface<Input,Output> convolve(Kernel2D kernel, Class<Input> inputType, Class<Output> outputType, BorderType borderType)
      Creates a filter for convolving 2D kernels along the image axis.
      kernel - Convolution kernel.
      inputType - Specifies input image type.
      outputType - Specifies input image type.
      borderType - How the image border is handled.
      FilterInterface which will perform the specified convolution.