Class FactoryCensusTransform


public class FactoryCensusTransform extends Object
Factory for creating different types of census transforms
  • Field Details


      public static BorderType CENSUS_BORDER
      For SGM it's important that you don't use a constant value border. If it's say zero, it will always perfectly match the pixels outside the border in the right image, giving it a lower cost. That lower cost will bias the error making it more likely to select border pixel.
  • Constructor Details

    • FactoryCensusTransform

      public FactoryCensusTransform()
  • Method Details

    • variant

      public static <In extends ImageGray<In>, Out extends ImageBase<Out>> FilterCensusTransform<In,Out> variant(CensusVariants type, boolean border, Class<In> imageType)
    • blockDense

      public static <In extends ImageGray<In>, Out extends ImageBase<Out>> FilterCensusTransform<In,Out> blockDense(int radius, boolean border, Class<In> imageType)
      Samples a dense square block
      Type Parameters:
      In - Input image
      Out - Output image
      radius - Radius of the block. Width = 2*radius+1
      border - If true then it will process the image border
      imageType - Type of input image
      Census Transform
    • blockDense

      public static <In extends ImageGray<In>, Out extends ImageBase<Out>> FilterCensusTransform<In,Out> blockDense(int radiusX, int radiusY, boolean border, Class<In> imageType)