Package boofcv.misc

Interface Compare_S32

All Known Implementing Classes:
SelectErrorBasicWta_S32_U8, SelectErrorSubpixel.S32_F32, SelectErrorWithChecks_S32, SelectErrorWithChecks_S32.DispU8, SgmCostFromBlocks

public interface Compare_S32
Compares two scores to see which is better
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    compare(int scoreA, int scoreB)
    1 = scoreA is better than scoreB 0 = scoreA is equivalent than scoreB -1 = scoreA is worse than scoreB
  • Method Details

    • compare

      int compare(int scoreA, int scoreB)
      • 1 = scoreA is better than scoreB
      • 0 = scoreA is equivalent than scoreB
      • -1 = scoreA is worse than scoreB