Interface MeshPolygonAccess

public interface MeshPolygonAccess
Provides access to an arbitrary mesh. The mesh is assumed to be stored in a format with planar polygons. The idea is that you can access a mesh in this abstract format and not need to convert it to some other common format first
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getPolygon(int which, DogArray<Point3D_F64> vertexes)
    Retries a planar polygon in 3D
    Number of polygons in this mesh
  • Method Details

    • size

      int size()
      Number of polygons in this mesh
    • getPolygon

      void getPolygon(int which, DogArray<Point3D_F64> vertexes)
      Retries a planar polygon in 3D
      which - Which polygon should it access
      vertexes - Storage for vertexes on the polygon