Class PackedBigArrayPoint4D_F64

All Implemented Interfaces:
PackedArray<Point4D_F64>, LArrayAccessor<Point4D_F64>

public class PackedBigArrayPoint4D_F64 extends Object implements PackedArray<Point4D_F64>
Packed array of Point4D_F64. Internally the point is stored in an interleaved format.
  • Field Details

    • temp

      public final Point4D_F64 temp
    • numPoints

      protected int numPoints
  • Constructor Details

    • PackedBigArrayPoint4D_F64

      public PackedBigArrayPoint4D_F64()
      Constructor where the default is used for all parameters.
    • PackedBigArrayPoint4D_F64

      public PackedBigArrayPoint4D_F64(int reservedPoints)
      Constructor where the initial number of points is specified and everything else is default
    • PackedBigArrayPoint4D_F64

      public PackedBigArrayPoint4D_F64(int reservedPoints, int blockSize, BigDogGrowth growth)
      Constructor which allows access to all array parameters
      reservedPoints - Reserve space to store this number of points initially
      blockSize - A single block will be able to store this number of points
      growth - Growth strategy to use
  • Method Details