Example Multiview Scene Reconstruction
From BoofCV
Jump to navigationJump to searchExample showing how multiple views from a calibrated camera can be combined together to estimate the camera location and the 3D location of interest points. As discussed in the source code this is still a work in progress and the output is very noisy still.
Example Code:
- Structure from Motion
- Multiple Views
- Single camera
- calibrated camera
Relevant Applets:
Example Code
* Demonstration on how to do 3D reconstruction from a set of unordered photos with known intrinsic camera calibration.
* The code below is still a work in process and is very basic, but still require a solid understanding of
* structure from motion to understand. In other words, this is not for beginners and requires good clean set of
* images to work.
* One key element it is missing is bundle adjustment to improve the estimated camera location and 3D points. The
* current bundle adjustment in BoofCV is too inefficient. Better noise removal and numerous other improvements
* are needed before it can compete with commercial equivalents.
* @author Peter Abeles
public class ExampleMultiviewSceneReconstruction {
// Converts a point from pixel to normalized image coordinates
PointTransform_F64 pixelToNorm;
// ratio of matching features to unmatched features for two images to be considered connected
double connectThreshold = 0.3;
// tolerance for inliers in pixels
double inlierTol = 1.5;
// Detects and describes image interest points
DetectDescribePoint<ImageFloat32, BrightFeature> detDesc = FactoryDetectDescribe.surfStable(null, null, null, ImageFloat32.class);
// score ans association algorithm
ScoreAssociation<BrightFeature> scorer = FactoryAssociation.scoreEuclidean(BrightFeature.class, true);
AssociateDescription<BrightFeature> associate = FactoryAssociation.greedy(scorer, 1, true);
// Triangulates the 3D coordinate of a point from two observations
TriangulateTwoViewsCalibrated triangulate = FactoryMultiView.triangulateTwoGeometric();
// List of visual features (e.g. SURF) descriptions in each image
List<FastQueue<BrightFeature>> imageVisualFeatures = new ArrayList<FastQueue<BrightFeature>>();
// List of visual feature locations as normalized image coordinates in each image
List<FastQueue<Point2D_F64>> imagePixels = new ArrayList<FastQueue<Point2D_F64>>();
// Color of the pixel at each feature location
List<GrowQueue_I32> imageColors = new ArrayList<GrowQueue_I32>();
// List of 3D features in each image
List<List<Feature3D>> imageFeature3D = new ArrayList<List<Feature3D>>();
// Transform from world to each camera image
Se3_F64 motionWorldToCamera[];
// indicates if an image has had its motion estimated yet
boolean estimatedImage[];
// if true the image has been processed. Estimation could have failed. so this can be true but estimated false
boolean processedImage[];
// List of all 3D features
List<Feature3D> featuresAll = new ArrayList<Feature3D>();
// used to provide initial estimate of the 3D scene
ModelMatcher<Se3_F64, AssociatedPair> estimateEssential;
ModelMatcher<Se3_F64, Point2D3D> estimatePnP;
ModelFitter<Se3_F64, Point2D3D> refinePnP = FactoryMultiView.refinePnP(1e-12,40);
* Process the images and reconstructor the scene as a point cloud using matching interest points between
* images.
public void process(IntrinsicParameters intrinsic , List<BufferedImage> colorImages ) {
pixelToNorm = LensDistortionOps.transformPoint(intrinsic).undistort_F64(true,false);
estimateEssential = FactoryMultiViewRobust.essentialRansac(
new ConfigEssential(intrinsic),new ConfigRansac(4000,inlierTol));
estimatePnP = FactoryMultiViewRobust.pnpRansac(
new ConfigPnP(intrinsic),new ConfigRansac(4000,inlierTol));
// find features in each image
// see which images are the most similar to each o ther
double[][] matrix = computeConnections();
// find the image which is connected to the most other images. Use that as the origin of the arbitrary
// coordinate system
int bestImage = selectMostConnectFrame(colorImages, matrix);
// Use two images to initialize the scene reconstruction
initializeReconstruction(colorImages, matrix, bestImage);
// Process rest of the images and compute 3D coordinates
List<Integer> seed = new ArrayList<Integer>();
performReconstruction(seed, -1, matrix);
// Bundle adjustment would normally be done at this point, but has been omitted since the current
// implementation is too slow for a large number of points
// display a point cloud from the 3D features
PointCloudViewer gui = new PointCloudViewer(intrinsic,1);
for( Feature3D t : featuresAll) {
gui.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500,500));
ShowImages.showWindow(gui, "Points");
* Initialize the reconstruction by finding the image which is most similar to the "best" image. Estimate
* its pose up to a scale factor and create the initial set of 3D features
private void initializeReconstruction(List<BufferedImage> colorImages, double[][] matrix, int bestImage) {
// Set all images, but the best one, as not having been estimated yet
estimatedImage = new boolean[colorImages.size()];
processedImage = new boolean[colorImages.size()];
estimatedImage[bestImage] = true;
processedImage[bestImage] = true;
// declare stored for found motion of each image
motionWorldToCamera = new Se3_F64[colorImages.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < colorImages.size(); i++) {
motionWorldToCamera[i] = new Se3_F64();
imageFeature3D.add(new ArrayList<Feature3D>());
// pick the image most similar to the original image to initialize pose estimation
int firstChild = findBestFit(matrix, bestImage);
initialize(bestImage, firstChild);
* Select the frame which has the most connections to all other frames. The is probably a good location
* to start since it will require fewer hops to estimate the motion of other frames
private int selectMostConnectFrame(List<BufferedImage> colorImages, double[][] matrix) {
int bestImage = -1;
int bestCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < colorImages.size(); i++) {
int count = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < colorImages.size(); j++) {
if( matrix[i][j] > connectThreshold ) {
System.out.println(i + " count " + count);
if( count > bestCount ) {
bestCount = count;
bestImage = i;
return bestImage;
* Detect image features in all the images. Save location, description, and color
private void detectImageFeatures(List<BufferedImage> colorImages) {
System.out.println("Detecting Features in each image. Total "+colorImages.size());
for (int i = 0; i < colorImages.size(); i++) {
BufferedImage colorImage = colorImages.get(i);
FastQueue<BrightFeature> features = new SurfFeatureQueue(64);
FastQueue<Point2D_F64> pixels = new FastQueue<Point2D_F64>(Point2D_F64.class, true);
GrowQueue_I32 colors = new GrowQueue_I32();
detectFeatures(colorImage, features, pixels, colors);
* Compute connectivity matrix based on fraction of matching image features
private double[][] computeConnections() {
double matrix[][] = new double[imageVisualFeatures.size()][imageVisualFeatures.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < imageVisualFeatures.size(); i++) {
for (int j = i+1; j < imageVisualFeatures.size(); j++) {
System.out.printf("Associated %02d %02d ",i,j);
matrix[i][j] = associate.getMatches().size()/(double) imageVisualFeatures.get(i).size();
matrix[j][i] = associate.getMatches().size()/(double) imageVisualFeatures.get(j).size();
System.out.println(" = "+matrix[i][j]);
return matrix;
* Prints out which frames are connected to each other
private void printConnectionMatrix( double[][] matrix) {
for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < matrix.length; j++) {
if( matrix[i][j] >= connectThreshold )
* Detects image features. Saves their location, description, and pixel color
private void detectFeatures(BufferedImage colorImage,
FastQueue<BrightFeature> features, FastQueue<Point2D_F64> pixels,
GrowQueue_I32 colors ) {
ImageFloat32 image = ConvertBufferedImage.convertFrom(colorImage, (ImageFloat32) null);
for (int i = 0; i < detDesc.getNumberOfFeatures(); i++) {
Point2D_F64 p = detDesc.getLocation(i);
// store pixels are normalized image coordinates
pixelToNorm.compute(p.x, p.y, pixels.grow());
colors.add( colorImage.getRGB((int)p.x,(int)p.y) );
* Finds the frame which is the best match for the given target frame
private int findBestFit( double matrix[][] , int target ) {
// find the image which is the closest fit
int bestIndex = -1;
double bestRatio = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < estimatedImage.length; i++) {
double ratio = matrix[target][i];
if( ratio > bestRatio ) {
bestRatio = ratio;
bestIndex = i;
return bestIndex;
* Initialize the 3D world given these two images. imageA is assumed to be the origin of the world.
private void initialize( int imageA , int imageB ) {
System.out.println("Initializing 3D world using "+imageA+" and "+imageB);
// Compute the 3D pose and find valid image features
Se3_F64 motionAtoB = new Se3_F64();
List<AssociatedIndex> inliers = new ArrayList<AssociatedIndex>();
if( !estimateStereoPose(imageA, imageB, motionAtoB, inliers))
throw new RuntimeException("The first image pair is a bad keyframe!");
estimatedImage[imageB] = true;
processedImage[imageB] = true;
// create tracks for only those features in the inlier list
FastQueue<Point2D_F64> pixelsA = imagePixels.get(imageA);
FastQueue<Point2D_F64> pixelsB = imagePixels.get(imageB);
List<Feature3D> tracksA = imageFeature3D.get(imageA);
List<Feature3D> tracksB = imageFeature3D.get(imageB);
GrowQueue_I32 colorsA = imageColors.get(imageA);
for (int i = 0; i < inliers.size(); i++) {
AssociatedIndex a = inliers.get(i);
Feature3D t = new Feature3D();
t.color = colorsA.get(a.src);
t.obs.grow().set( pixelsA.get(a.src) );
t.obs.grow().set( pixelsB.get(a.dst) );
// compute the 3D coordinate of the feature
Point2D_F64 pa = pixelsA.get(a.src);
Point2D_F64 pb = pixelsB.get(a.dst);
if( !triangulate.triangulate(pa, pb, motionAtoB, t.worldPt) )
// the feature has to be in front of the camera
if (t.worldPt.z > 0) {
// adjust the scale so that it's not excessively large or small
* Perform a breadth first search through connection graph until the motion to all images has been found
private void performReconstruction(List<Integer> parents, int childAdd, double matrix[][]) {
System.out.println("--------- Total Parents "+parents.size());
List<Integer> children = new ArrayList<Integer>();
if( childAdd != -1 ) {
for( int parent : parents ) {
for (int i = 0; i < estimatedImage.length; i++) {
// see if it is connected to the target and has not had its motion estimated
if( matrix[parent][i] > connectThreshold && !processedImage[i] ) {
if( !children.isEmpty() )
performReconstruction(children, -1, matrix);
* Estimate the motion between two images. Image A is assumed to have known features with 3D coordinates already
* and image B is an unprocessed image with no 3D features yet.
private void estimateMotionPnP( int imageA , int imageB ) {
// Mark image B as processed so that it isn't processed a second time.
processedImage[imageB] = true;
System.out.println("Estimating PnP motion between "+imageA+" and "+imageB);
// initially prune features using essential matrix
Se3_F64 dummy = new Se3_F64();
List<AssociatedIndex> inliers = new ArrayList<AssociatedIndex>();
if( !estimateStereoPose(imageA, imageB, dummy, inliers))
throw new RuntimeException("The first image pair is a bad keyframe!");
FastQueue<Point2D_F64> pixelsA = imagePixels.get(imageA);
FastQueue<Point2D_F64> pixelsB = imagePixels.get(imageB);
List<Feature3D> featuresA = imageFeature3D.get(imageA);
List<Feature3D> featuresB = imageFeature3D.get(imageB); // this should be empty
// create the associated pair for motion estimation
List<Point2D3D> features = new ArrayList<Point2D3D>();
List<AssociatedIndex> inputRansac = new ArrayList<AssociatedIndex>();
List<AssociatedIndex> unmatched = new ArrayList<AssociatedIndex>();
for (int i = 0; i < inliers.size(); i++) {
AssociatedIndex a = inliers.get(i);
Feature3D t = lookupFeature(featuresA, imageA, pixelsA.get(a.src));
if( t != null ) {
Point2D_F64 p = pixelsB.get(a.dst);
features.add(new Point2D3D(p, t.worldPt));
} else {
// make sure there are enough features to estimate motion
if( features.size() < 15 ) {
System.out.println(" Too few features for PnP!! "+features.size());
// estimate the motion between the two images
if( !estimatePnP.process(features))
throw new RuntimeException("Motion estimation failed");
// refine the motion estimate using non-linear optimization
Se3_F64 motionWorldToB = new Se3_F64();
if( !refinePnP.fitModel(estimatePnP.getMatchSet(), estimatePnP.getModelParameters(), motionWorldToB) )
throw new RuntimeException("Refine failed!?!?");
estimatedImage[imageB] = true;
// Add all tracks in the inlier list to the B's list of 3D features
int N = estimatePnP.getMatchSet().size();
boolean inlierPnP[] = new boolean[features.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
int index = estimatePnP.getInputIndex(i);
AssociatedIndex a = inputRansac.get(index);
// find the track that this was associated with and add it to B
Feature3D t = lookupFeature(featuresA, imageA, pixelsA.get(a.src));
t.obs.grow().set( pixelsB.get(a.dst) );
inlierPnP[index] = true;
// Create new tracks for all features which were a member of essential matrix but not used to estimate
// the motion using PnP.
Se3_F64 motionBtoWorld = motionWorldToB.invert(null);
Se3_F64 motionWorldToA = motionWorldToCamera[imageA];
Se3_F64 motionBtoA = motionBtoWorld.concat(motionWorldToA, null);
Point3D_F64 pt_in_b = new Point3D_F64();
int totalAdded = 0;
GrowQueue_I32 colorsA = imageColors.get(imageA);
for( AssociatedIndex a : unmatched ) {
if( !triangulate.triangulate(pixelsB.get(a.dst),pixelsA.get(a.src),motionBtoA,pt_in_b) )
// the feature has to be in front of the camera
if( pt_in_b.z > 0 ) {
Feature3D t = new Feature3D();
// transform from B back to world frame
SePointOps_F64.transform(motionBtoWorld, pt_in_b, t.worldPt);
t.color = colorsA.get(a.src);
t.obs.grow().set( pixelsA.get(a.src) );
t.obs.grow().set( pixelsB.get(a.dst) );
// create new tracks for existing tracks which were not in the inlier set. Maybe things will work
// out better if the 3D coordinate is re-triangulated as a new feature
for (int i = 0; i < features.size(); i++) {
if( inlierPnP[i] )
AssociatedIndex a = inputRansac.get(i);
if( !triangulate.triangulate(pixelsB.get(a.dst),pixelsA.get(a.src),motionBtoA,pt_in_b) )
// the feature has to be in front of the camera
if( pt_in_b.z > 0 ) {
Feature3D t = new Feature3D();
// transform from B back to world frame
SePointOps_F64.transform(motionBtoWorld, pt_in_b, t.worldPt);
// only add this feature to image B since a similar one already exists in A.
t.color = colorsA.get(a.src);
System.out.println(" New added " + totalAdded + " tracksA.size = " + featuresA.size() + " tracksB.size = " + featuresB.size());
* Given a list of 3D features, find the feature which was observed at the specified frame at the
* specified location. If no feature is found return null.
private Feature3D lookupFeature(List<Feature3D> features, int frameIndex, Point2D_F64 pixel) {
for (int i = 0; i < features.size(); i++) {
Feature3D t = features.get(i);
for (int j = 0; j < t.frame.size(); j++) {
if( t.frame.get(j) == frameIndex ) {
Point2D_F64 o = t.obs.get(j);
if( o.x == pixel.x && o.y == pixel.y ) {
return t;
} else {
return null;
* Given two images compute the relative location of each image using the essential matrix.
protected boolean estimateStereoPose(int imageA, int imageB, Se3_F64 motionAtoB,
List<AssociatedIndex> inliers)
// associate the features together
FastQueue<AssociatedIndex> matches = associate.getMatches();
// create the associated pair for motion estimation
FastQueue<Point2D_F64> pixelsA = imagePixels.get(imageA);
FastQueue<Point2D_F64> pixelsB = imagePixels.get(imageB);
List<AssociatedPair> pairs = new ArrayList<AssociatedPair>();
for (int i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++) {
AssociatedIndex a = matches.get(i);
pairs.add(new AssociatedPair(pixelsA.get(a.src), pixelsB.get(a.dst)));
if( !estimateEssential.process(pairs) )
throw new RuntimeException("Motion estimation failed");
List<AssociatedPair> inliersEssential = estimateEssential.getMatchSet();
for (int i = 0; i < inliersEssential.size(); i++) {
int index = estimateEssential.getInputIndex(i);
inliers.add( matches.get(index));
return true;
* Scale can only be estimated up to a scale factor. Might as well set the distance to 1 since it is
* less likely to have overflow/underflow issues. This step is not strictly necessary.
public void normalizeScale( Se3_F64 transform , List<Feature3D> features) {
double T = transform.T.norm();
double scale = 1.0/T;
for( Se3_F64 m : motionWorldToCamera) {
for( Feature3D t : features) {
public static class Feature3D {
// color of the pixel first found int
int color;
// estimate 3D position of the feature
Point3D_F64 worldPt = new Point3D_F64();
// observations in each frame that it's visible
FastQueue<Point2D_F64> obs = new FastQueue<Point2D_F64>(Point2D_F64.class, true);
// index of each frame its visible in
GrowQueue_I32 frame = new GrowQueue_I32();
public static void main(String[] args) {
String directory = UtilIO.pathExample("sfm/chair");
IntrinsicParameters intrinsic = UtilIO.loadXML(directory,"/intrinsic_DSC-HX5_3648x2736_to_640x480.xml");
List<BufferedImage> images = UtilImageIO.loadImages(directory,".*jpg");
ExampleMultiviewSceneReconstruction example = new ExampleMultiviewSceneReconstruction();
long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
long after = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Elapsed time "+(after-before)/1000.0+" (s)");