Donating to BoofCV
Donating Code
- All donated code must be owned by the person who submitted it
- For bug fixes and other small changes a simple pull request on GitHub is all that's needed
- Larger changes will require a review and a formal transfer of copyright
Copyright Assignment
Copyright of code submitted to BoofCV needs to be transferred to Peter Abeles. For small bits of code this transfer will be implicit. Entirely new features or large changes to the code will require a formal license transfer. This can be done over e-mail.
We wish to keep the code ownership under one individual instead of everyone who submits so that the license can be changed in the future. This has already happened with one of my past projects where it went from LGPL to Apache 2.0. Getting numerous committers to agree or evening respond is a difficult time consuming task that might result in code being removed or rewritten. The most likely change is that if in the future BoofCV falls under the governance of a non-profit organization the copyright will be transferred to it.
Because the code is being released under an open source license you will never lose access to it. Even if the maintainers become evil and make all future released proprietary your access cannot be revoked because you already have an perpetual open source license to the current code.