Tutorial Quick Start

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Quick Start Tutorial

The following is a quick tutorial on how to use BoofCV. A series of code sniplets is provided with a short description of what it does.

The Basics

ImageUInt8 image = new ImageUInt8 (100,150);

Creating an unsigned 8-bit integer single band image with width=100 and height=150.

ImageFloat32 image = new ImageFloat32(100,150);

Creating a floating point single band image with width=100 and height=150.

ImageFloat32 image = UtilImageIO.loadImage("test.png",ImageFloat32.class);

Loads an image of type ImageFloat32 from a file.

public static <T extends ImageBase> T generic( Class<T> imageType ) {
	T image = UtilImageIO.loadImage("test.png",imageType);

Loads an image with the specified type using Java generics.

BufferedImage out = ConvertBufferedImage.convertTo(image,null);

Converts an image into a BufferedImage to provide better integration with Java2D (display/saving). Pixel values must be in the range of 0 to 255.

BufferedImage out = VisualizeImageData.grayMagnitude(derivX,null,-1);

Renders a signed single band image into a gray intensity image.

BufferedImage out = VisualizeImageData.colorizeSign(derivX,null,-1);

Renders a signed single band image into a color intensity image.

BufferedImage out = ConvertBufferedImage.convertTo(image,null);

Displays an image in a window using Java swing.


public static void procedural( ImageUInt8 input )
	ImageUInt8 blurred = new ImageUInt8(input.width,input.height);

Applies Gaussian blur to an image using a type specific procedural interface.

public static <T extends ImageBase, D extends ImageBase>
void generalized( T input )
	Class<T> inputType = (Class<T>)input.getClass();

	T blurred = GeneralizedImageOps.createImage(inputType,input.width, input.height);
	GBlurImageOps.gaussian(input, blurred, -1, blurRadius, null);

Applies Gaussian blur to an image using an abstracted procedural interface. Note the G in front of BlurImageOps that indicates it contains generic functions.

public static <T extends ImageBase, D extends ImageBase>
void filter( T input )
	Class<T> inputType = (Class<T>)input.getClass();
	T blurred = GeneralizedImageOps.createImage(inputType, input.width, input.height);
	BlurFilter<T> filterBlur = FactoryBlurFilter.gaussian(inputType, -1, blurRadius);

Creates an image filter class for computing the Gaussian blur. Provides greater abstraction.

// type specific sobel
GradientSobel.process(blurred, derivX, derivY, FactoryImageBorder.extend(input));
// generic
GImageDerivativeOps.sobel(blurred, derivX, derivY, BorderType.EXTENDED);
// filter
ImageGradient<T,D> gradient = FactoryDerivative.sobel(inputType, derivType);

Three ways to compute the image gradient using a Sobel kernel.

public static <T extends ImageBase, D extends ImageBase>
void example( T input , Class<D> derivType ) {
	AnyImageDerivative<T,D> deriv = GImageDerivativeOps.createDerivatives((Class<T>)input.getClass(),derivType);

	D derivX = deriv.getDerivative(true);
	D derivXXY = deriv.getDerivative(true,true,false);

Useful class for computing arbitrary image derivatives. Computes 1st order x-derive and then 3rd order xxy derivative.

Binary Images

ThresholdImageOps.threshold(image, binary, 23, true);

Creates a binary image by thresholding the input image. Binary must be of type ImageUInt8.

binary = BinaryImageOps.erode8(binary,null);

Apply an erode operation on the binary image, writing over the original image reference.


Apply an erode operation on the binary image, saving results to the output binary image.


Apply an erode operation with a 4-connect rule.

int numBlobs = BinaryImageOps.labelBlobs4(binary,blobs);

Detect and label blobs in the binary image using a 4-connect rule. blobs is an image of type ImageSInt32.

BufferedImage visualized = VisualizeBinaryData.renderLabeled(blobs, numBlobs, null);

Renders the detected blobs in a colored image.

BufferedImage visualized = VisualizeBinaryData.renderBinary(binary,null);

Renders the binary image as a black white image.