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* [[Example_Sparse_Bundle_Adjustment|Sparse Bundle Adjustment]]
* [[Example_Sparse_Bundle_Adjustment|Sparse Bundle Adjustment]]
* [[Example_Multi_Baseline_Stereo|Multi Baseline Stereo]]
* [[Example_Multi_Baseline_Stereo|Multi Baseline Stereo]]
* [[Example_Multi_Baseline_Stereo|Multi Baseline Stereo]]
* [[Example_Multiview_Uncalibrated_Reconstruction|Uncalibrated Sparse Reconstruction]

= Example Code =
= Example Code =

Revision as of 12:25, 22 December 2020

Video showing resulting point cloud. Red squares represent camera view locations.

After the sparse reconstruction has been applied and the extrinsic and intrinsic parameters of the scene are known, the next step it to compute a dense reconstruction. Internally key frames are selected to perform multi-baseline stereo on and then their resulting point clouds are all combined together into a single cloud.

Example Code:


Example Code

 * A dense point cloud is created using a previously computed sparse reconstruction and a basic implementation of
 * multiview stereo (MVS). This approach to MVS works by identifying "center" views which have the best set of
 * neighbors for stereo computations using a heuristic. Then a global point cloud is created from the "center" view
 * disparity images while taking care to avoid adding duplicate points.
 * As you can see there is still a fair amount of noise in the cloud. Additional filtering and processing
 * is typically required at this point.
 * @author Peter Abeles
public class ExampleMultiViewDenseReconstruction {
	public static void main( String[] args ) {
		var example = new ExampleMultiViewSparseReconstruction();
//		example.maxFrames = 100;       // This will process the entire sequence
//		example.compute("ditch_02.mp4");
//		example.compute("holiday_display_01.mp4");
//		example.compute("log_building_02.mp4");

		// SGM is a reasonable trade between quality and speed.
		var configSgm = new ConfigDisparitySGM();
		configSgm.validateRtoL = 0;
		configSgm.texture = 0.75;
		configSgm.disparityRange = 120;
		configSgm.paths = ConfigDisparitySGM.Paths.P4;
		configSgm.configBlockMatch.radiusX = 3;
		configSgm.configBlockMatch.radiusY = 3;

		// Looks up images based on their index in the file list
		var imageLookup = new LookUpImageFilesByIndex(example.imageFiles);

		// Create and configure MVS
		// Note that the stereo disparity algorithm used must output a GrayF32 disparity image as much of the code
		// is hard coded to use it. MVS would not work without sub-pixel enabled.
		var mvs = new MultiViewStereoFromKnownSceneStructure<>(imageLookup, ImageType.SB_U8);
		mvs.setStereoDisparity(FactoryStereoDisparity.sgm(configSgm, GrayU8.class, GrayF32.class));
		// Improve stereo by removing small regions, which tends to be noise. Consider adjusting the region size.
		mvs.getComputeFused().setDisparitySmoother(FactoryStereoDisparity.removeSpeckle(null, GrayF32.class));
		// Print out profiling info from multi baseline stereo

		// Grab intermediate results as they are computed
		mvs.setListener(new MultiViewStereoFromKnownSceneStructure.Listener<>() {
			public void handlePairDisparity( String left, String right, GrayU8 rect0, GrayU8 rect1,
											 GrayF32 disparity, GrayU8 mask, DisparityParameters parameters ) {
				// Displaying individual stereo pair results can be very useful for debugging, but this isn't done
				// because of the amount of information it would show

			public void handleFusedDisparity( String name,
											  GrayF32 disparity, GrayU8 mask, DisparityParameters parameters ) {
				// Display the disparity for each center view
				BufferedImage colorized = VisualizeImageData.disparity(disparity, null, parameters.disparityRange, 0);
				ShowImages.showWindow(colorized, "Center " + name);

		// MVS stereo needs to know which view pairs have enough 3D information to act as a stereo pair and
		// the quality of that 3D information. This is used to guide which views act as "centers" for accumulating
		// 3D information which is then converted into the point cloud.
		// StereoPairGraph contains this information and we will create it from Pairwise and Working graphs.

		var mvsGraph = new StereoPairGraph();
		PairwiseImageGraph _pairwise = example.pairwise;
		SceneStructureMetric _structure = example.scene;
		// Add a vertex for each view
		BoofMiscOps.forIdx(example.working.viewList, ( i, wv ) -> mvsGraph.addVertex(wv.pview.id, i));
		// Compute the 3D score for each connected view
		BoofMiscOps.forIdx(example.working.viewList, ( workIdxI, wv ) -> {
			var pv = _pairwise.mapNodes.get(wv.pview.id);
			pv.connections.forIdx(( j, e ) -> {
				// Look at the ratio of inliers for a homography and fundamental matrix model
				PairwiseImageGraph.View po = e.other(pv);
				double ratio = 1.0 - Math.min(1.0, e.countH/(1.0 + e.countF));
				if (ratio <= 0.25)
				// There is sufficient 3D information between these two views
				SceneWorkingGraph.View wvo = example.working.views.get(po.id);
				int workIdxO = example.working.viewList.indexOf(wvo);
				if (workIdxO <= workIdxI)
				mvsGraph.connect(pv.id, po.id, ratio);

		// Compute the dense 3D point cloud
		BoofMiscOps.profile(() -> mvs.process(_structure, mvsGraph), "MVS Cloud");

		System.out.println("Dense Cloud Size: " + mvs.getCloud().size());

		// Colorize the cloud to make it easier to view. This is done by projecting points back into the
		// first view they were seen in and reading the color
		DogArray_I32 colorRgb = new DogArray_I32();
		var colorizeMvs = new ColorizeMultiViewStereoResults<>(new LookUpColorRgbFormats.PL_U8(), imageLookup);
		colorizeMvs.processMvsCloud(example.scene, mvs,
				( idx, r, g, b ) -> colorRgb.set(idx, (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b));
		visualizeInPointCloud(mvs.getCloud(), colorRgb, example.scene);

	public static void visualizeInPointCloud( List<Point3D_F64> cloud, DogArray_I32 colorsRgb,
											  SceneStructureMetric structure ) {
		PointCloudViewer viewer = VisualizeData.createPointCloudViewer();
		viewer.addCloud(cloud, colorsRgb.data);
//		viewer.setColorizer(new TwoAxisRgbPlane.Z_XY(1.0).fperiod(40));

		SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> {
			// Show where the cameras are
			BoofSwingUtil.visualizeCameras(structure, viewer);

			// Display the point cloud
			viewer.getComponent().setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600, 600));
			ShowImages.showWindow(viewer.getComponent(), "Dense Reconstruction Cloud", true);