Example Loop Closure

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A key part of mapping is the ability to detect if you are retraversing an area that you've already traveled. That's what loop closure does. It's when you've identified that this same location has been seen before and you can then connect two disconnected views in the graph.

Example Code:


  • SLAM
  • Scene Reconstruction
  • Loop Closure

Relevant Examples/Tutorials:

Example Code

 * Shows how you can detect if two images are of the same scene. This is known as loop closure and is done in
 * robotic mapping, e.g. SLAM. Here will use a fast recognition approach that takes only a few milliseconds to find
 * the most likely candidate images using image features alone. After that we perform feature matching to reduce
 * false positives. A complete solution would involve a geometric check, i.e. Fundamental matrix.
 * Using scene recognition drastically reduces computational time as it eliminates most bad matches. As a result
 * this can run in a real-time or near real-time environment.
 * @author Peter Abeles
public class ExampleLoopClosure {
	public static void main( String[] args ) {
		System.out.println("Finding Images");
		String pathImages = "loop_closure";
		videoToImages(UtilIO.pathExample("mvs/stone_sign.mp4"), pathImages);
		List<String> imagePaths = UtilIO.listSmart(String.format("glob:%s/*.png", pathImages), true, ( f ) -> true);

		// Create the feature detector. Default settings are often not the best configuration for recognition.
		// Finding the best settings is left as an exercise for the reader.
		DetectDescribePoint<GrayU8, TupleDesc_F64> detector =
				FactoryDetectDescribe.surfFast(null, null, null, GrayU8.class);

		// Detect features in all the images
		var descriptions = new ArrayList<FastAccess<TupleDesc_F64>>();
		var locations = new ArrayList<FastAccess<Point2D_F64>>();

		System.out.println("Feature Detection");
		for (int pathIdx = 0; pathIdx < imagePaths.size(); pathIdx++) {
			// Print out the progress
			if (pathIdx%80 == 79)

			// Load the image and detect features
			String path = imagePaths.get(pathIdx);
			GrayU8 gray = UtilImageIO.loadImage(path, GrayU8.class);


			// Copy all the features into lists for this image
			var imageDescriptions = new DogArray<>(detector::createDescription);
			var imageLocations = new DogArray<>(Point2D_F64::new);

			for (int i = 0; i < detector.getNumberOfFeatures(); i++) {

		// Put feature information into a format scene recognition understands
		var listRecFeat = new ArrayList<FeatureSceneRecognition.Features<TupleDesc_F64>>();
		for (int i = 0; i < descriptions.size(); i++) {
			FastAccess<Point2D_F64> pixels = locations.get(i);
			FastAccess<TupleDesc_F64> descs = descriptions.get(i);
			listRecFeat.add(new FeatureSceneRecognition.Features<>() {
				@Override public Point2D_F64 getPixel( int index ) {return pixels.get(index);}

				@Override public TupleDesc_F64 getDescription( int index ) {return descs.get(index);}

				@Override public int size() {return pixels.size();}

		System.out.println("Learning model. Can take a minute. You can save and reload this model.");

		var config = new ConfigRecognitionNister2006();
		FeatureSceneRecognition<TupleDesc_F64> recognizer =
				FactorySceneRecognition.createSceneNister2006(config, detector::createDescription);

		// Pass image information in as an iterator that it understands.
		recognizer.learnModel(new Iterator<>() {
			int imageIndex = 0;

			@Override public boolean hasNext() {return imageIndex < descriptions.size();}

			@Override public FeatureSceneRecognition.Features<TupleDesc_F64> next() {
				return listRecFeat.get(imageIndex++);

		// To find functions for saving and loading these models look at RecognitionIO

		System.out.println("Creating database");
		for (int imageIdx = 0; imageIdx < descriptions.size(); imageIdx++) {
			// Note that image are assigned a name equal to their index
			recognizer.addImage(imageIdx + "", listRecFeat.get(imageIdx));

		System.out.println("Scoring likely loop closures");

		// Have a strict requirement for matching to reduce false positives
		var configAssociate = new ConfigAssociateGreedy();
		configAssociate.forwardsBackwards = true;
		configAssociate.scoreRatioThreshold = 0.9;

		var scorer = FactoryAssociation.scoreEuclidean(detector.getDescriptionType(), true);
		var associate = FactoryAssociation.greedy(configAssociate, scorer);

		// Go through all the images and use scene recongition to greatly reduce the number of images that need
		// to be considered. Scene recognition is very fast, while feature matching is slow, and geometric
		// checks are even slower.
		var matches = new DogArray<>(SceneRecognition.Match::new);
		for (int imageIdx = 0; imageIdx < descriptions.size(); imageIdx++) {
			// Query results to find the best matches.
			// We are going to pass in a filter that will remove all the most recent frames since we don't care
			// about those. This way we know all the returned results are potential loop closures.
			int _imageIdx = imageIdx;
					/*query*/ listRecFeat.get(imageIdx),
					/*filter*/ ( id ) -> Math.abs(_imageIdx - Integer.parseInt(id)) > 20,
					/*limit*/ 5, /*found matches*/ matches);

			// Set up association
			int numFeatures = descriptions.get(imageIdx).size;

			System.out.printf("Image[%3d]\n", imageIdx);
			for (var m : matches.toList()) {
				// Note how earlier it assigned the image name to be the index value as a string
				int imageDstIdx = Integer.parseInt(m.id);

				// Perform association

				// Compute and print quality of fit metrics
				double matchFraction = associate.getMatches().size/(double)numFeatures;
				System.out.printf("  %4s error=%.2f matches=%.2f\n", m.id, m.error, matchFraction);

				// A loop closure will have a large number of matching features. When the fraction goes
				// over 30% in this example, you probably have a good match.

				// Typically a geometric check is done next, such as estimating a fundamental matrix or PNP.
				// With a geometric check the odds of a false positive are low.