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Frequently Asked Questions

List of quesetions which have been asked a few times. If your question is not answered here please post the question on the BoofCV message board (link). Also feel free to edit this wiki page if you see any mistakes.

How do I open in Eclipse

BoofCV uses Gradle to build the project and these Gradle files can be opened in Eclipse. Instructions for importing in to Eclipse can be found in the project's README.md file.

Why can't I find the class T any where?

If you see <T extends BLAH> in a class then it is using generics. T is just a common variable used to represent a genric type in BoofCV. Other common ones include D and I, which is used for derivative images and input images respectively.


Is BoofCV Thread Safe?

Unless a class explicitly states that it is thread safe you should assume that it is not. In practice, if you are calling a static function in a Util* or *Ops class there is a good chance that it is thread safe. Classes tend to recycle data structures each time they are invoked and are extremely not thread safe. To get around this issue each thread should have its own instance of a class.

How do I get a wiki account?

As of this writing you should be able to create your own if you can figure out the answer to a simple question. Spam has been a serious issue which has prevented the wiki from being completely open. If you have any ideas on how to deal with this issue let us know!

How do I donate code?

Post a message on the message board about the code you wish to donate and someone will contact you. Before you donate code make sure you actually own it. If you work for a company check with the legal department since they probably own it even if you did it in your spare time. All donated code will need to be assigned over to BoofCV and released under an Apache 2.0 license.

The main reason for the copyright being assigned is so that if the license needs to be changed in the future that can be done without getting permission from a few hundred people who donated code over the years. Other open source projects have been stuck because of this issue. Your donation/contribution will always be achknowledged in the code's comments. In the future there might be an extras package for code which is not owned by BoofCV.