Interface AssociateThreeDescription<Desc>

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface AssociateThreeDescription<Desc>

Common interface for associating features between three images.

  • Method Details

    • initialize

      void initialize(int numberOfSets)
      Must call first. It specifies the number of sets feature descriptors can belong inside of
    • setFeaturesA

      void setFeaturesA(FastAccess<Desc> features, DogArray_I32 sets)
      Specify descriptors in image A
      features - (Input) feature descriptors. Reference is saved.
      sets - (Input) Which sets the features belong to. Reference is saved.
    • setFeaturesC

      void setFeaturesC(FastAccess<Desc> features, DogArray_I32 sets)
      Specify descriptors in image B
      features - feature descriptors. Reference is saved.
      sets - (Input) Which sets the features belong to. Reference is saved.
    • setFeaturesB

      void setFeaturesB(FastAccess<Desc> features, DogArray_I32 sets)
      Specify descriptors in image C
      features - feature descriptors. Reference is saved.
      sets - (Input) Which sets the features belong to. Reference is saved.
    • associate

      void associate()
      Finds the best match for each item in the source list with an item in the destination list.
    • getMatches

      List of associated features. Indexes refer to the index inside the input lists.
      List of associated features.
    • setMaxScoreThreshold

      void setMaxScoreThreshold(double score)
      Associations are only considered if their score is less than or equal to the specified threshold. To remove any threshold test set this value to Double.MAX_VALUE
      score - The threshold.
    • getScoreType

      MatchScoreType getScoreType()
      Specifies the type of score which is returned.
      Type of association score.
    • isEachFeatureAssociatedOnlyOnce

      boolean isEachFeatureAssociatedOnlyOnce()
      If true then each feature is associated at most one time