Interface DescribeImageDense<T extends ImageBase<T>,TD extends TupleDesc<TD>>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DescribeImageDense_Convert, DescribeImageDenseHoG, DescribeImageDenseSift, GenericDenseDescribeImageDense

public interface DescribeImageDense<T extends ImageBase<T>,TD extends TupleDesc<TD>> extends DescriptorInfo<TD>
Computes feature descriptors across the whole image. No feature detection is performed. Descriptions are typically computed at regular intervals. Scale, orientation, and other local geometric information is typically not computed or returned to the user.
  • Method Details

    • process

      void process(T input)
      Processes the image and computes the dense image features.
      input - Input image.
    • getDescriptions

      List<TD> getDescriptions()

      Returns a list of the computed descriptions.

      The list and everything contained inside of it are owned by this class and subject to modification the next time process(ImageBase) is called.

      list of descriptions
    • getLocations

      List<Point2D_I32> getLocations()

      Returns a list of locations that the descriptors are computed at

      The list and everything contained inside of it are owned by this class and subject to modification the next time process(ImageBase) is called.

      list of descriptions
    • getImageType

      ImageType<T> getImageType()
      Description of the type of image it can process