Interface DescribePoint<T extends ImageBase<T>,TD extends TupleDesc<TD>>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DescribePointAbstract, DescribePointConvertTuple, DescribeRadiusAngle_Point, DescribeSurf_Point

public interface DescribePoint<T extends ImageBase<T>,TD extends TupleDesc<TD>> extends DescriptorInfo<TD>
High level interface for describing the region around a point when given the pixel coordinate of the point only.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Description of the type of image it can process
    process(double x, double y, TD description)
    Extract a description of the local image at the the pixel coordinate of the point.
    setImage(T image)
    Specified the image which is to be processed.

    Methods inherited from interface boofcv.abst.feature.describe.DescriptorInfo

    createDescription, getDescriptionType
  • Method Details

    • setImage

      void setImage(T image)
      Specified the image which is to be processed.
      image - The image which contains the features.
    • process

      boolean process(double x, double y, TD description)
      Extract a description of the local image at the the pixel coordinate of the point. WARNING: Check the returned value to make sure a description was actually computed. Some implementations might now allow features to extend outside the image border and will return false.
      x - Coordinate of the point.
      y - Coordinate of the point.
      description - (output) Storage for extracted feature. Use DescriptorInfo.createDescription() to create descriptor.
      true if a descriptor can computed or false if not.
    • getImageType

      ImageType<T> getImageType()
      Description of the type of image it can process