Interface ImageSuperpixels<T extends ImageBase<T>>

All Known Implementing Classes:
Fh04_to_ImageSuperpixels, MeanShift_to_ImageSuperpixels, Slic_to_ImageSuperpixels, Watershed_to_ImageSuperpixels

public interface ImageSuperpixels<T extends ImageBase<T>>
High level interface for computing superpixels. Superpixels are sets of connected adjacent pixels which belong. They are intended to break the image up intelligently along object boundaries allowing for easier processing. Each pixel in the output segmented image is assigned an integer label to identify which region in the image it belongs to. A region is a continuous connected set of pixels.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Type of input image it can process
    Connectivity rule used to determine if a pixel is connected
    Returns the total number of image segments/superpixels found
    segment(T input, GrayS32 output)
    Segments the input image into superpixels and puts the output in labeled image.
  • Method Details

    • segment

      void segment(T input, GrayS32 output)
      Segments the input image into superpixels and puts the output in labeled image.
      input - (Input) image.
      output - (Output) Labeled image
    • getTotalSuperpixels

      int getTotalSuperpixels()
      Returns the total number of image segments/superpixels found
      Number of superpixels
    • getRule

      ConnectRule getRule()
      Connectivity rule used to determine if a pixel is connected
      Connectivity rule
    • getImageType

      ImageType<T> getImageType()
      Type of input image it can process
      Input image type