Class AddBrownNtoN_F64

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AddBrownNtoN_F64 extends Object implements Point2Transform2_F64
Given an undistorted normalized pixel coordinate, compute the distorted normalized coordinate.
  • Constructor Details

    • AddBrownNtoN_F64

      public AddBrownNtoN_F64()
  • Method Details

    • setDistortion

      public AddBrownNtoN_F64 setDistortion(@Nullable @org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable double[] radial, double t1, double t2)
      Specify intrinsic camera parameters
      radial - Radial distortion parameters
    • compute

      public void compute(double x, double y, Point2D_F64 out)
      Adds radial distortion
      Specified by:
      compute in interface Point2Transform2_F64
      x - Undistorted x-coordinate normalized image coordinates
      y - Undistorted y-coordinate normalized image coordinates
      out - Distorted normalized image coordinate.
    • copyConcurrent

      public AddBrownNtoN_F64 copyConcurrent()
      Description copied from interface: Point2Transform2_F64
      Creates a copy of this transform for use in concurrent application. What that means is that any variable which might be modified by a concurrent call to Point2Transform2_F64.compute(double, double, georegression.struct.point.Point2D_F64) is not passed to the 'copied' output. Expensive to compute models might be passed in as a reference.
      Specified by:
      copyConcurrent in interface Point2Transform2_F64