Class CylinderToEquirectangular_F64

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CylinderToEquirectangular_F64 extends EquirectangularDistortBase_F64
Renders a cylindrical view from an equirectangular image. With zero rotation applied to it the image center has the pointing vector = (1,0,0).
 r = atan(vfov/2) // implicit cylinder radius of 1
 theta = 2*PI*pixelX/width - PI

 x = cos(theta)
 y = sin(theta)
 z = 2*r*pixelY/(height - 1) - r
  • Constructor Details

    • CylinderToEquirectangular_F64

      public CylinderToEquirectangular_F64()
  • Method Details

    • configure

      public void configure(int width, int height, double vfov)
      Configures the rendered cylinder
      width - Cylinder width in pixels
      height - Cylinder height in pixels
      vfov - vertical FOV in radians
    • copyConcurrent

      public CylinderToEquirectangular_F64 copyConcurrent()
      Description copied from interface: PixelTransform
      Creates a copy of this transform for use in concurrent application. What that means is that any variable which might be modified by a concurrent call to PixelTransform.compute(int, int, T) is not passed to the 'copied' output. Expensive to compute models might be passed in as a reference.