Class EquirectangularRotate_F32

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Generated("boofcv.alg.distort.spherical.EquirectangularRotate_F64") public class EquirectangularRotate_F32 extends EquirectangularDistortBase_F32
Transforms the equirectangular image as if the input image was taken by the camera at the same location but with a rotation. Includes a built in function to center the camera at a particular location to minimize the distortion.
  • Constructor Details

    • EquirectangularRotate_F32

      public EquirectangularRotate_F32()
  • Method Details

    • setEquirectangularShape

      public void setEquirectangularShape(int width, int height)
      Specifies the image's width and height
      setEquirectangularShape in class EquirectangularDistortBase_F32
      width - Image width
      height - Image height
    • copyConcurrent

      public EquirectangularRotate_F32 copyConcurrent()
      Description copied from interface: PixelTransform
      Creates a copy of this transform for use in concurrent application. What that means is that any variable which might be modified by a concurrent call to PixelTransform.compute(int, int, T) is not passed to the 'copied' output. Expensive to compute models might be passed in as a reference.