Class BaseDenseHog<I extends ImageBase<I>>

Direct Known Subclasses:
DescribeDenseHogAlg, DescribeDenseHogFastAlg

public abstract class BaseDenseHog<I extends ImageBase<I>> extends Object
Base calss for dense HOG implementations.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • BaseDenseHog

      protected BaseDenseHog(int orientationBins, int pixelsPerCell, int cellsPerBlockX, int cellsPerBlockY, int stepBlock, ImageType<I> imageType)
      Configures HOG descriptor computation
      orientationBins - Number of bins in a cell's histogram. 9 recommended
      pixelsPerCell - Number of pixel's wide a cell is. 8 recommended
      cellsPerBlockX - Number of cells's wide a block is. x-axis 3 recommended
      cellsPerBlockY - Number of cells's wide a block is. x-axis 3 recommended
      stepBlock - Number of cells which are skipped between each block
  • Method Details

    • setInput

      public void setInput(I input)
      Specifies input image. Gradient is computed immediately
      input - input image
    • process

      public abstract void process()
    • getLocations

      public DogArray<Point2D_I32> getLocations()
      List of locations for each descriptor.
    • getDescriptions

      public DogArray<TupleDesc_F64> getDescriptions()
      List of descriptors
    • _getDerivX

      public GrayF32 _getDerivX()
    • _getDerivY

      public GrayF32 _getDerivY()
    • getRegionWidthPixelX

      public int getRegionWidthPixelX()
      Returns the number of pixel's wide the square region is that a descriptor was computed from
      number of pixels wide
    • getRegionWidthPixelY

      public int getRegionWidthPixelY()
    • getPixelsPerCell

      public int getPixelsPerCell()
    • getCellsPerBlockX

      public int getCellsPerBlockX()
    • getCellsPerBlockY

      public int getCellsPerBlockY()
    • getStepBlock

      public int getStepBlock()
    • getOrientationBins

      public int getOrientationBins()
    • getImageType

      public ImageType<I> getImageType()
    • createDescription

      public TupleDesc_F64 createDescription()