Class FeaturePyramid<T extends ImageGray<T>,D extends ImageGray<D>>

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FeaturePyramid<T extends ImageGray<T>,D extends ImageGray<D>> extends Object implements InterestPointScaleSpacePyramid<T>

Detects scale invariant interest/corner points by computing the feature intensities across a pyramid of different scales. Features which are maximums with in a local 2D neighborhood and within the local scale neighbourhood are declared to be features. Maximums are checked for in scale space by comparing the feature intensity against features in the upper and lower layers.

NOTE: Features are not computed for the bottom and top most layers in the pyramid.
NOTE: See discussion of scalePower inside of FeatureLaplacePyramid.

[1] Krystian Mikolajczyk and Cordelia Schmid, "Indexing based on scale invariant interest points" ICCV 2001. Proceedings.
[2] Lindeberg, T., "Feature detection with automatic scale selection." IJCV 30(2) (1998) 79 – 116

See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • FeaturePyramid

      public FeaturePyramid(GeneralFeatureDetector<T,D> detector, AnyImageDerivative<T,D> computeDerivative, double scalePower)
      Create a feature detector.
      detector - Point feature detector which is used to find candidates in each scale level
      scalePower - Used to normalize feature intensity at different scales. For many features this should be one.
  • Method Details