Class ThresholdBlockMinMax_F32

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ThresholdBlockMinMax_F32 extends ThresholdBlockMinMax<GrayF32,InterleavedF32>
Implementation of ThresholdBlockMinMax for input images of type GrayF32
  • Constructor Details

    • ThresholdBlockMinMax_F32

      public ThresholdBlockMinMax_F32(float minimumSpread, float scale, boolean down)
  • Method Details

    • thresholdBlock

      public void thresholdBlock(int blockX0, int blockY0, GrayF32 input, InterleavedF32 stats, GrayU8 output)
      Description copied from interface: ThresholdBlock.BlockProcessor
      Thresholds all the pixels inside the specified block
      blockX0 - Block x-coordinate
      blockY0 - Block y-coordinate
      input - Input image
      output - Output image
    • copy

      Description copied from interface: ThresholdBlock.BlockProcessor
      Creates a copy. For concurrent code
    • createStats

      public InterleavedF32 createStats()
    • computeBlockStatistics

      public void computeBlockStatistics(int x0, int y0, int width, int height, int indexMinMax, GrayF32 input, InterleavedF32 stats)
      Description copied from interface: ThresholdBlock.BlockProcessor
      Computes the min-max value inside a block
      x0 - lower bound pixel value of block, x-axis
      y0 - upper bound pixel value of block, y-axis
      width - Block's width
      height - Block's height
      indexMinMax - array index of statistics image pixel
      input - Input image