Class ConvolveImageMean


@Generated("boofcv.alg.filter.convolve.GenerateConvolveImageMean") public class ConvolveImageMean extends Object

Convolves a mean filter across the image. The mean value of all the pixels are computed inside the kernel.

DO NOT MODIFY. Automatically generated code created by GenerateConvolveImageMean

  • Constructor Details

    • ConvolveImageMean

      public ConvolveImageMean()
  • Method Details

    • horizontal

      public static void horizontal(GrayU8 input, GrayI8 output, int offset, int length)
      Performs a horizontal 1D mean box filter. Borders are handled by reducing the box size.
      input - The input image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      offset - Start offset from pixel coordinate
      length - How long the mean filter is
    • vertical

      public static void vertical(GrayU8 input, GrayI8 output, int offset, int length, @Nullable @Nullable GrowArray<DogArray_I32> workspaces)
      Performs a vertical 1D mean box filter. Borders are handled by reducing the box size.
      input - The input image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      offset - Start offset from pixel coordinate
      length - How long the mean filter is
      work - (Optional) Storage for work array
    • horizontal

      public static void horizontal(GrayU8 input, GrayI8 output, int offset, int length, @Nullable @Nullable ImageBorder_S32<GrayU8> binput)
      Performs a horizontal 1D mean box filter. Outside pixels are specified by a border.
      input - The input image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      offset - Start offset from pixel coordinate
      binput - Used to process image borders. If null borders are not processed.
      length - How long the mean filter is
    • vertical

      public static void vertical(GrayU8 input, GrayI8 output, int offset, int length, @Nullable @Nullable ImageBorder_S32<GrayU8> binput, @Nullable @Nullable GrowArray<DogArray_I32> workspaces)
      Performs a vertical 1D mean box filter. Outside pixels are specified by a border.
      input - The input image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      offset - Start offset from pixel coordinate
      binput - Used to process image borders. If null borders are not processed.
      work - (Optional) Storage for work array
    • horizontal

      public static void horizontal(GrayS16 input, GrayI16 output, int offset, int length)
      Performs a horizontal 1D mean box filter. Borders are handled by reducing the box size.
      input - The input image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      offset - Start offset from pixel coordinate
      length - How long the mean filter is
    • vertical

      public static void vertical(GrayS16 input, GrayI16 output, int offset, int length, @Nullable @Nullable GrowArray<DogArray_I32> workspaces)
      Performs a vertical 1D mean box filter. Borders are handled by reducing the box size.
      input - The input image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      offset - Start offset from pixel coordinate
      length - How long the mean filter is
      work - (Optional) Storage for work array
    • horizontal

      public static void horizontal(GrayS16 input, GrayI16 output, int offset, int length, @Nullable @Nullable ImageBorder_S32<GrayS16> binput)
      Performs a horizontal 1D mean box filter. Outside pixels are specified by a border.
      input - The input image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      offset - Start offset from pixel coordinate
      binput - Used to process image borders. If null borders are not processed.
      length - How long the mean filter is
    • vertical

      public static void vertical(GrayS16 input, GrayI16 output, int offset, int length, @Nullable @Nullable ImageBorder_S32<GrayS16> binput, @Nullable @Nullable GrowArray<DogArray_I32> workspaces)
      Performs a vertical 1D mean box filter. Outside pixels are specified by a border.
      input - The input image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      offset - Start offset from pixel coordinate
      binput - Used to process image borders. If null borders are not processed.
      work - (Optional) Storage for work array
    • horizontal

      public static void horizontal(GrayU16 input, GrayI16 output, int offset, int length)
      Performs a horizontal 1D mean box filter. Borders are handled by reducing the box size.
      input - The input image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      offset - Start offset from pixel coordinate
      length - How long the mean filter is
    • vertical

      public static void vertical(GrayU16 input, GrayI16 output, int offset, int length, @Nullable @Nullable GrowArray<DogArray_I32> workspaces)
      Performs a vertical 1D mean box filter. Borders are handled by reducing the box size.
      input - The input image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      offset - Start offset from pixel coordinate
      length - How long the mean filter is
      work - (Optional) Storage for work array
    • horizontal

      public static void horizontal(GrayU16 input, GrayI16 output, int offset, int length, @Nullable @Nullable ImageBorder_S32<GrayU16> binput)
      Performs a horizontal 1D mean box filter. Outside pixels are specified by a border.
      input - The input image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      offset - Start offset from pixel coordinate
      binput - Used to process image borders. If null borders are not processed.
      length - How long the mean filter is
    • vertical

      public static void vertical(GrayU16 input, GrayI16 output, int offset, int length, @Nullable @Nullable ImageBorder_S32<GrayU16> binput, @Nullable @Nullable GrowArray<DogArray_I32> workspaces)
      Performs a vertical 1D mean box filter. Outside pixels are specified by a border.
      input - The input image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      offset - Start offset from pixel coordinate
      binput - Used to process image borders. If null borders are not processed.
      work - (Optional) Storage for work array
    • horizontal

      public static void horizontal(GrayF32 input, GrayF32 output, int offset, int length)
      Performs a horizontal 1D mean box filter. Borders are handled by reducing the box size.
      input - The input image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      offset - Start offset from pixel coordinate
      length - How long the mean filter is
    • vertical

      public static void vertical(GrayF32 input, GrayF32 output, int offset, int length, @Nullable @Nullable GrowArray<DogArray_F32> workspaces)
      Performs a vertical 1D mean box filter. Borders are handled by reducing the box size.
      input - The input image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      offset - Start offset from pixel coordinate
      length - How long the mean filter is
      work - (Optional) Storage for work array
    • horizontal

      public static void horizontal(GrayF32 input, GrayF32 output, int offset, int length, @Nullable @Nullable ImageBorder_F32 binput)
      Performs a horizontal 1D mean box filter. Outside pixels are specified by a border.
      input - The input image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      offset - Start offset from pixel coordinate
      binput - Used to process image borders. If null borders are not processed.
      length - How long the mean filter is
    • vertical

      public static void vertical(GrayF32 input, GrayF32 output, int offset, int length, @Nullable @Nullable ImageBorder_F32 binput, @Nullable @Nullable GrowArray<DogArray_F32> workspaces)
      Performs a vertical 1D mean box filter. Outside pixels are specified by a border.
      input - The input image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      offset - Start offset from pixel coordinate
      binput - Used to process image borders. If null borders are not processed.
      work - (Optional) Storage for work array
    • horizontal

      public static void horizontal(GrayF64 input, GrayF64 output, int offset, int length)
      Performs a horizontal 1D mean box filter. Borders are handled by reducing the box size.
      input - The input image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      offset - Start offset from pixel coordinate
      length - How long the mean filter is
    • vertical

      public static void vertical(GrayF64 input, GrayF64 output, int offset, int length, @Nullable @Nullable GrowArray<DogArray_F64> workspaces)
      Performs a vertical 1D mean box filter. Borders are handled by reducing the box size.
      input - The input image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      offset - Start offset from pixel coordinate
      length - How long the mean filter is
      work - (Optional) Storage for work array
    • horizontal

      public static void horizontal(GrayF64 input, GrayF64 output, int offset, int length, @Nullable @Nullable ImageBorder_F64 binput)
      Performs a horizontal 1D mean box filter. Outside pixels are specified by a border.
      input - The input image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      offset - Start offset from pixel coordinate
      binput - Used to process image borders. If null borders are not processed.
      length - How long the mean filter is
    • vertical

      public static void vertical(GrayF64 input, GrayF64 output, int offset, int length, @Nullable @Nullable ImageBorder_F64 binput, @Nullable @Nullable GrowArray<DogArray_F64> workspaces)
      Performs a vertical 1D mean box filter. Outside pixels are specified by a border.
      input - The input image. Not modified.
      output - Where the resulting image is written to. Modified.
      offset - Start offset from pixel coordinate
      binput - Used to process image borders. If null borders are not processed.
      work - (Optional) Storage for work array