Class GrayI16<T extends GrayI16<T>>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:
GrayS16, GrayU16

public abstract class GrayI16<T extends GrayI16<T>> extends GrayI<T>

Base class for images with 16-bit pixels.

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • data

      public short[] data
  • Constructor Details

    • GrayI16

      protected GrayI16(int width, int height)
    • GrayI16

      protected GrayI16()
  • Method Details

    • set

      public void set(int x, int y, int value)
      Sets the value of the specified pixel.
      Specified by:
      set in class GrayI<T extends GrayI16<T>>
      x - pixel coordinate.
      y - pixel coordinate.
      value - The pixel's new value.
    • unsafe_set

      public void unsafe_set(int x, int y, int value)
      Sets the value of the specified pixel.
      Specified by:
      unsafe_set in class GrayI<T extends GrayI16<T>>
      x - pixel coordinate.
      y - pixel coordinate.
      value - The pixel's new value.
    • copyCol

      public void copyCol(int col, int row0, int row1, int offset, Object array)
      Description copied from class: ImageBase
      Copies the column into the array.
      Specified by:
      copyCol in class ImageBase<T extends GrayI16<T>>
      col - Which column to copy.
      row0 - First row. Inclusive.
      row1 - Last row. Exclusive.
      offset - First index in output array
      array - Output array
    • _getData

      protected Object _getData()
      Description copied from class: ImageGray
      Returns the data array the image is stored in.
      Specified by:
      _getData in class ImageGray<T extends GrayI16<T>>
      data array;
    • _setData

      public void _setData(Object data)
      Description copied from class: ImageGray
      Sets the image's internal data array.
      Specified by:
      _setData in class ImageGray<T extends GrayI16<T>>
      data - data array
    • getDataType

      public ImageDataType getDataType()
      Description copied from class: ImageGray
      Returns image type information
      getDataType in class GrayI<T extends GrayI16<T>>
      The type of image.
    • getData

      public short[] getData()
    • setData

      public void setData(short[] data)