Class ConfigBroxWarping

All Implemented Interfaces:
Configuration, Serializable

public class ConfigBroxWarping extends Object implements Configuration
Configuration for HornSchunckPyramid
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • alpha

      public float alpha
      Brightness difference weighting factor. Larger values which prefer a smooth flow.
    • gamma

      public float gamma
      Gradient difference weighting factor. Larger values which prefer a smooth flow.

      public float SOR_RELAXATION
      SOR relaxation parameter. 0 < w < 2. Recommended default is 1.9
    • numOuter

      public int numOuter
      Number of iterations in the outer loop
    • numInner

      public int numInner
      Number of iterations in the inner loop
    • maxIterationsSor

      public int maxIterationsSor
      Maximum allowed iterations for SOR
    • convergeToleranceSor

      public float convergeToleranceSor
      Convergence tolerance for SOR loop. Specified in per pixel error.
    • pyrScale

      public double pyrScale
      Change in scale between each layer. Try 0.75
    • pyrSigma

      public double pyrSigma
      Amount of gaussian blur applied to each layer in the pyramid. If sigma ≤ 0 then no blur is applied.
    • pyrMaxLayers

      public int pyrMaxLayers
      Maximum number of layers in the pyramid
    • interpolation

      public InterpolationType interpolation
      Type of interpolation used. Bilinear recommended
  • Constructor Details

    • ConfigBroxWarping

      public ConfigBroxWarping()
    • ConfigBroxWarping

      public ConfigBroxWarping(float alpha, float gamma)
  • Method Details