Class GeoTestingOps


public class GeoTestingOps extends Object
Operations useful for unit tests
  • Constructor Details

    • GeoTestingOps

      public GeoTestingOps()
  • Method Details

    • createList3_F64

      public static List<Point3D_F64> createList3_F64(int N)
    • randomPointsH_F64

      public static List<Point4D_F64> randomPointsH_F64(double min, double max, int num, Random rand)
    • randomPointsH_F64

      public static List<Point4D_F64> randomPointsH_F64(double minX, double maxX, double minY, double maxY, double minZ, double maxZ, int num, Random rand)
    • randomPoints_F64

      public static List<Point3D_F64> randomPoints_F64(double minX, double maxX, double minY, double maxY, double minZ, double maxZ, int num, Random rand)
    • randomPoints_F64

      public static List<Point2D_F64> randomPoints_F64(double minX, double maxX, double minY, double maxY, int num, Random rand)
    • residualError

      public static double residualError(double[] residuals)
    • isEqualsScale

      public static boolean isEqualsScale(Se3_F64 a, Se3_F64 b, double tolT, double tolRad)
      Checks to see if the two SE3 are equal up to a scale factor
      tolT - Translational tolerance
      tolRad - Rotational tolerance in radians
      true if within tolerance
    • isEquals

      public static boolean isEquals(Point3D_F64 a, Point4D_F64 b, double tol)