Package boofcv.alg.geo
package boofcv.alg.geo
ClassDescriptionDecomposed the essential matrix into a rigid body motion; rotation and translation.Decomposes a homography matrix to extract its internal geometric structure.Decomposes metric camera matrices as well as projective with known intrinsic parameters.DistanceFromModelMultiView<Model,
Point> Computes the observation errors in pixels when the input is in normalized image coordinates.DistanceFromModelMultiView2<Model,Point> Computes the observation errors in pixels when the input is in point vector coordinates.Common results of a geometric algorithm.Operations useful for unit testsLists of operations used by various multi-view algorithms, but not of use to the typical user.Forces the smallest singular value in the matrix to be zeroDescribes the camera pose and intrinsic parameters for a set of cameras.ModelObservationResidual<Model,Observation> Residual function for epipolar matrices with a single output for a single input.ModelObservationResidualN<Model,Observation> Residual function for epipolar matrices where there are multiple outputs for a single input.Contains commonly used operations used in 2-view and 3-view perspective geometry.Describes how to normalize a set of points such that they have zero mean and variance.Simple function for converting error in normalized image coordinates to pixels using intrinsic camera parameters.Functions related to perspective geometry and intrinsic camera calibration.Simple function for converting error in pointing vector coordinates to pixels using intrinsic camera parameters.Simple function for converting error in pointing vector coordinates to pixels using intrinsic camera parameters.Given two views of the same point and a known 3D transform checks to see if the point is in front of both cameras.Given two views of the same point and a known 3D transform checks to see if the point is in front of both cameras.Checks positive depth constraint given observations as pointing vectors.Operations related to rectifying stereo image pairs.How it should adjust the rectification distortion to fill images.Operations related to rectifying stereo image pairs.Computes the rotation matrix derivative for Rodrigues coordinates which have been parameterized by a 3 vector.Computes the rotation matrix derivative for Rodrigues coordinates which have been parameterized by a 3 vector.Convenience class which will take a point in world coordinates, translate it to camera reference frame, then project onto the image plane and compute its pixels.