Class WorldToCameraToPixel


public class WorldToCameraToPixel extends Object
Convenience class which will take a point in world coordinates, translate it to camera reference frame, then project onto the image plane and compute its pixels. Supports lens distortion
  • Constructor Details

    • WorldToCameraToPixel

      public WorldToCameraToPixel()
  • Method Details

    • configure

      public void configure(CameraPinholeBrown intrinsic, Se3_F64 worldToCamera)
      Specifies intrinsic camera parameters and the transform from world to camera.
      intrinsic - camera parameters
      worldToCamera - transform from world to camera
    • configure

      public void configure(CameraPinhole intrinsic, Se3_F64 worldToCamera)
    • configure

      public void configure(LensDistortionNarrowFOV distortion, Se3_F64 worldToCamera)
      Specifies intrinsic camera parameters and the transform from world to camera.
      distortion - camera parameters
      worldToCamera - transform from world to camera
    • transform

      public boolean transform(Point3D_F64 worldPt, Point2D_F64 pixelPt)
      Computes the observed location of the specified point in world coordinates in the camera pixel. If the object can't be viewed because it is behind the camera then false is returned.
      worldPt - Location of point in world frame
      pixelPt - Pixel observation of point.
      True if visible (+z) or false if not visible (-z)
    • transform

      public boolean transform(Point3D_F64 worldPt, Point2D_F64 pixelPt, Point2D_F64 normPt)
    • transform

      public boolean transform(Point4D_F64 worldPt, Point2D_F64 pixelPt)
      Computes the observed location of the specified point in world coordinates in the camera pixel. If the object can't be viewed because it is behind the camera then false is returned.
      worldPt - Location of point in world frame. Homogenous coordinates.
      pixelPt - Pixel observation of point.
      True if visible (+z) or false if not visible (-z)
    • transform

      @Nullable public @Nullable Point2D_F64 transform(Point3D_F64 worldPt)
      Computes location of 3D point in world as observed in the camera. Point is returned if visible or null if not visible.
      worldPt - Location of point on world reference frame
      Pixel coordinate of point or null if not visible