Class BundleZoomSimplified

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BundleZoomSimplified extends Object implements BundleAdjustmentCamera
A simplified camera model that assumes the camera's zoom is known as part of the camera state
  • Field Details


      public static final String TYPE_NAME
      See Also:
    • fOff

      public double fOff
    • fScale

      public double fScale
    • k1

      public double k1
    • k2

      public double k2
  • Constructor Details

    • BundleZoomSimplified

      public BundleZoomSimplified()
    • BundleZoomSimplified

      public BundleZoomSimplified(double fOff, double fScale, double k1, double k2)
  • Method Details

    • setIntrinsic

      public void setIntrinsic(double[] parameters, int offset)
      Description copied from interface: BundleAdjustmentCamera
      Specifies the intrinsic camera parameters.
      Specified by:
      setIntrinsic in interface BundleAdjustmentCamera
      parameters - Array containing the parameters
      offset - Location of first index in the array which the parameters are stored
    • getIntrinsic

      public void getIntrinsic(double[] parameters, int offset)
      Description copied from interface: BundleAdjustmentCamera
      Copies the intrinsic camera into the array.
      Specified by:
      getIntrinsic in interface BundleAdjustmentCamera
      parameters - Array containing the parameters
      offset - Location of first index in the array which the parameters are stored
    • setCameraState

      public void setCameraState(BundleCameraState state)
      Description copied from interface: BundleAdjustmentCamera
      Measured / known state of the camera when observations were made. This can indicate the camera's zoom level when a mechanical zoom is available. If the model has a fixed state then this function is optional.
      Specified by:
      setCameraState in interface BundleAdjustmentCamera
      state - Camera's state.
    • project

      public void project(double camX, double camY, double camZ, Point2D_F64 output)
      Description copied from interface: BundleAdjustmentCamera
      Project the 3D point in the camera reference frame onto the camera's image plane.
      Specified by:
      project in interface BundleAdjustmentCamera
      camX - 3D point in camera reference frame
      camY - 3D point in camera reference frame
      camZ - 3D point in camera reference frame
      output - Storage for projected point.
    • jacobian

      public void jacobian(double X, double Y, double Z, double[] inputX, double[] inputY, boolean computeIntrinsic, @Nullable @org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable double[] calibX, @Nullable @org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable double[] calibY)
      Description copied from interface: BundleAdjustmentCamera
      Computes the gradient for the projected pixel coordinate with partials for the input 3D point in camera reference frame and camera intrinsic parameters. [x',y'] is the projected pixel coordinate of the 3D point in camera reference frame.
      Specified by:
      jacobian in interface BundleAdjustmentCamera
      X - (Input) 3D point in camera reference frame
      Y - (Input) 3D point in camera reference frame
      Z - (Input) 3D point in camera reference frame
      inputX - (Output) Partial of projected x' relative to input camera point.[@x'/@camX, @ x' / @ camY, @ x' / @ camZ] length 3
      inputY - (Output) Partial of projected y' relative to input camera point.[@y'/@camX, @ y' / @ camY, @ y' / @ camZ] length 3
      computeIntrinsic - If true the calibX and calibY is computed. Otherwise they are ignored and can be null
      calibX - (Output) Partial of projected x' relative to calibration parameters. length N
      calibY - (Output) Partial of projected y' relative to calibration parameters. length N
    • getIntrinsicCount

      public int getIntrinsicCount()
      Description copied from interface: BundleAdjustmentCamera
      Returns the number of intrinsic parameters for this model. If the camera is known then the number of parameters is zero
      Specified by:
      getIntrinsicCount in interface BundleAdjustmentCamera
      number of intrinsic parameters.
    • setTo

      public BundleAdjustmentCamera setTo(Map<String,Object> src)
      Description copied from interface: BundleAdjustmentCamera
      Set's the classes state to the value contained in this map. Used when deserializing.
      Specified by:
      setTo in interface BundleAdjustmentCamera
    • toMap

      public Map<String,Object> toMap()
      Description copied from interface: BundleAdjustmentCamera
      Convert's the values into a map format where each class's field has a corresponding key with the same name and primitive value or primitive array. This is used for serialization to YAML.
      Specified by:
      toMap in interface BundleAdjustmentCamera
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • reset

      public void reset()
    • setTo

    • copy

      public BundleZoomSimplified copy()
    • isIdentical

      public boolean isIdentical(BundleZoomSimplified c, double tol)