Class EstimatePlaneAtInfinityGivenK


public class EstimatePlaneAtInfinityGivenK extends Object
If the camera calibration is known for two views then given canonical camera projection matrices (P1 = [I|0]) it is possible to compute the plane a infinity and from that elevate the views from projective to metric. The solution returned is only approximate.

  • Gherardi, Riccardo, and Andrea Fusiello. "Practical autocalibration." European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010.
    • Constructor Details

      • EstimatePlaneAtInfinityGivenK

        public EstimatePlaneAtInfinityGivenK()
    • Method Details

      • setCamera1

        public void setCamera1(double fx, double fy, double skew, double cx, double cy)
        Specifies known intrinsic parameters for view 1
      • setCamera2

        public void setCamera2(double fx, double fy, double skew, double cx, double cy)
        Specifies known intrinsic parameters for view 2
      • estimatePlaneAtInfinity

        public boolean estimatePlaneAtInfinity(DMatrixRMaj P2, Vector3D_F64 v)
        Computes the plane at infinity
        P2 - (Input) projective camera matrix for view 2. Not modified.
        v - (Output) plane at infinity
        true if successful or false if it failed