Interface InterpolateRectangle<T extends ImageGray<T>>

All Known Implementing Classes:
BilinearRectangle_F32, BilinearRectangle_S16, BilinearRectangle_U8, NearestNeighborRectangle_F32

public interface InterpolateRectangle<T extends ImageGray<T>>
Performs interpolation across a whole rectangular region inside the image. This can be significantly faster than interpolating on a per-pixel basis.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Creates new instance that's configured the same but completely decoupled
    Creates a copy that can be run in parallel with the original as long as the image isn't modified
    Returns the image which is being interpolated.
    Type of image it can process
    region(float tl_x, float tl_y, GrayF32 dest)
    Copies a grid from the source image starting at the specified coordinate into the destination image.
    setImage(T image)
    Change the image that is being interpolated.
  • Method Details

    • setImage

      void setImage(T image)
      Change the image that is being interpolated.
      image - An image.
    • getImage

      T getImage()
      Returns the image which is being interpolated.
      A reference to the image being interpolated.
    • region

      void region(float tl_x, float tl_y, GrayF32 dest)
      Copies a grid from the source image starting at the specified coordinate into the destination image. The 'dest' image must be within the original image.
      tl_x - upper left corner of the region in the image.
      tl_y - upper left corner of the region in the image.
      dest - Where the interpolated region is to be copied into
    • copyConcurrent

      InterpolateRectangle<T> copyConcurrent()
      Creates a copy that can be run in parallel with the original as long as the image isn't modified
    • copy

      Creates new instance that's configured the same but completely decoupled
    • getImageType

      ImageType<T> getImageType()
      Type of image it can process