Class BundleToRectificationStereoParameters


public class BundleToRectificationStereoParameters extends Object
Given parameters from bundle adjustment, compute all the parameters needed to compute a rectified stereo image pair. The rectified image's shape is adjusted to maximize usable area, but will maintain the same number of pixels as the original view.
  • Field Details

    • intrinsic1

      public final CameraPinholeBrown intrinsic1
      Storage for intrinsic parameters of original distorted view-1
    • intrinsic2

      public final CameraPinholeBrown intrinsic2
      Storage for intrinsic parameters of original distorted view-2
    • view1_dist_to_undist

      public PixelTransform<Point2D_F64> view1_dist_to_undist
      From distorted to undistorted pixels in view-1
    • K1

      public final DMatrixRMaj K1
      Storage for intrinsic parameters of original view without lens distortion. view-1
    • K2

      public final DMatrixRMaj K2
      Storage for intrinsic parameters of original view without lens distortion. view-2
    • rectifiedK

      public final DMatrixRMaj rectifiedK
      Intrinsic parameters of the rectified view-1
    • rectifiedShape

      public final ImageDimension rectifiedShape
      The rectified image's shape. The shape is adjust to minimize wasted pixels
    • undist_to_rect1

      public final DMatrixRMaj undist_to_rect1
      Rectification homography. Undistorted pixels to rectified pixels. view-1 F64
    • undist_to_rect2

      public final DMatrixRMaj undist_to_rect2
      Rectification homography. Undistorted pixels to rectified pixels. view-2 F64
    • undist_to_rect1_F32

      public final FMatrixRMaj undist_to_rect1_F32
      Rectification homography. Undistorted pixels to rectified pixels. view-1 F32
    • undist_to_rect2_F32

      public final FMatrixRMaj undist_to_rect2_F32
      Rectification homography. Undistorted pixels to rectified pixels. view-2 F32
    • rotate_orig_to_rect

      public final DMatrixRMaj rotate_orig_to_rect
      Rotation from original to rectified coordinate system
  • Constructor Details

    • BundleToRectificationStereoParameters

      public BundleToRectificationStereoParameters()
  • Method Details